Hurricane Irene changed to tropical storm and New York City is said to have escaped major damage but caused some death, cutting power to more than a million people, toppling trees and flooding some parts of the city and its suburbs.
I'm sorry for the people suffering from the disaster. Hoping to recover the damage as soon as possible.
We already knew that we can't resist natural disasters but can avoid the risk or damage at most.
We should never control nature or others as we are not rulers in the earth and in the whole world.
I always see many bugs and living things such as pill bugs, earthworms, ants and etc.when I work to plant or weed in the garden. I feel like life itself is equal as mine. I don't want to kill other life even a maylife which lives the shortest.
But I always slap mosqitos coz they bite me and annoying badly. Shameful (~_~;)
Back to my thought, it's based on Buddhism saying,
"Don't kill lives" seems to be origined from Animism.
Anyway, my life is sustained by many lives.....
Thanks to the great nature!

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