
The smart flower vase

The smart flower vase

4 件のコメント:

  1. The polyester flower vase has transparent feeling and matches any flower.
    It's really convenient.
    Tulips sre in full bloom now in flower bed.
    However, I put out other perennial plants for a root.
    Though it should have been fine, it's chilly today.

    1. Tulips are in full bloom now.
      But it got really chilly raining hard...we miss the spring beauty!!

  2. It is the product which is very unique and nice idea, isn't it?
    When I look in a net、the product of various colors and patterns seems to be sold and the price is also cheap.
    I think that it can be used simply and conveniently as a floral bud vases of daily changing.
    In addition, the flowers that you decorated this vase is very nice and good collaboration.

    By the way、 today I joined in the regular meeting of walking club and walked about 20 kilometers at tour along the Kurobe River and along Funakawa.
    As you had pointed out last week, it was sorry that aiming cherry has become cherry of leaf completely.
    However, because it was very cold today, we take a bath in "Rakuchi~noyu" of goal and became warm and were pleasant very well.

    1. You had a great time both hard and perfect!
      Chilly rain attacked your walking very difficult but you took a warm bath and completely comfortable.
      You could have the heaven after the hell (^^)


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