
What's this flower?

What's this flower?

6 件のコメント:

  1. A result of the search for "flowers like dandelion" on the net, I think that this flower is "Uzuraba-dandelion" maybe.
    This flower is a plant of the Asteraceae dandelion subfamily. In Japan, it is called "Uzuraba-dandelion" because the pattern of the leaf is similar to the pattern of the eggs of quail. Native is Europe, and it is called the "Leopard" by likened to the pattern of leopard.
    According to the net, besides the pattern of leaf, features of this flower is to bloom in more than one from one stem, and length is 30 to 40 cm.
    By question of this blog, I can learn various things. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your great help to tell me the name!
      You are so great enough to study it immediately.
      Uzuraba tampopo alias Whirlpool mule dandelion is new for me.
      It's so helpful for me.. How did you learn it ?
      Did your wife know it?

  2. I asked my wife first, but she did not know.
    However she gave me a good hint as "is it relatives of dandelion?".
    Therefore, I search for "flowers like dandelion" in the net and found a flower to the similar of the blog in the image of many flowers.

    1. I also searched it on the net but I couldn't find it.
      I adore your great efforts...anyway, thank you.

  3. I learned Uzuraba-tampopo for the first time.
    I supposed that it would be costmary.
    But I have not watched the leaf of such a pattern.
    I'm suprised at a quick survey by John Muir, and there are many points
    to always learn.

    1. Yeah...I really respect his studious attitude.


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