I weeded and cut branches of the trees in my garden on the weekend. When I removed unwanted weeds and avoided pulling out for these weeks and found a tall ( about 30cm ) and gorgeous plant in the end.
I wondered it like leaves of carrots or cosmos but it appears different at all so far.
Then I ask you what it is?
It was not what I planted but I didn't remove it.
Does anyone know this plant?

Although I had seen such a plant so far, I don't also understand the name of this plant.
返信削除When I check "grass having a notched leaf of the early summer" in a net, it seems to be "Yarrow", but I don't know whether it is correct.
By the way, it is clouded weather dimly from morning today. Because the rainy season started in the Tokai district and the Kanto Koshin district, the starting in the rainy season of the Hokuriku district is soon, isn't it?
Thank you for the effort to have searched it on the net. But I'm not still knowing yet.
削除I will see it more clearly if it has flowers later.
I don't know many of the name of flowers.
返信削除So, I thought that I'll hear to the friend about this flower's name, and I was printed out this photos.
But, photos was small and not clearly. I can't meet the expectations about flowers!....LOL
By the way,
Kitanihon newspaper had written an article that when Ogasawara earthquake has occurred a lot of elevator had senses the shaking and stopped.
Big cities has exppanded living space, even in the besment is also on the ground.
So, I think that scary when disaster occurs.
I've read an article about fortune teller said that magnificent earthquake will occur in Kantoh area in this fall and Mt. Fuji will explode next....I don't believe it will happen!