
What's Netflix for the next net broadcasting

It seems very interesting to see the new wave of Netflix coming to Japan in fall.
It's one of the net broadcasting content, like Hulu or UNEXT.
I've been subscribing to Hulu before NTV took over it. It was full of foreign dramas which I had been mad but after the Japanese TV got M&A, it doesn't seem so much fun because a lot of Japanese films take instead of foreign films.
I sometimes enjoy a few of old movie films recently on Hulu.
So I'm very interested in the Netflix if the cost is not so bad.
It's a kind of entertainment to see and know different culture and new culture. That makes me far away from going to see the movie theatre...I don't care if I can't watch the new content on the roadshow.
To change the next broadcasting "Netflix"

6 件のコメント:

  1. I don't know Hulu.
    Even I can see a lot the program, I can't be seen so much in a limited time. So, I satisfied with wowow.
    And, I want to see the movie in a movie theater as possible.
    Because, I feel power from the big screen it's a movie theater.
    By the way,
    I didn't plan to go out after a long time. I have spent a day leisurely.

    1. I think it's a bit maniac topic of today. I prefer foreign drama and foreign movie to Japanese.

  2. I am sorry but I can't understand well the contents of today's blog.
    I don't know even Hulu and UNEXT not to mention Netflix.
    This kind of topics are not interested by the person of our generation.
    But, I always admire that you are familiar with the topics of this kind and be able to take advantage it. Besides, I think envy you.

    By the way, I wake up in the morning at 4 o'clock today and went to buy "Tuitachi Manjyu" of my home annual event.
    When arrive at the shop, a large number of people already had made a line.
    I returned to the house past 6:00 because I had to line up twice in order to buy 40 Manjyu.

    1. Really? Is it your yearly event to buy Tsuitachi manju?

  3. Yes, it is an annual event continuing more than half a century from the times of father in my home. I succeeded it for 15 years ago when father became old.

    1. That's amazing! You're the Mr.Sannou as well because it's the Sannou festival!


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