

Why is it bad....?

4 件のコメント:

  1. Today's blog is a very difficult question.
    It is a unforgivable crime to kill people in the daily our lives、 of course.
    However, it is an indisputable fact that the act of killing a people has occurred on earth infinitely.
    Especialy, to kill people in war or terrorism has been carried out as a matter of course or are being carried out now too.
    In terrorist incidents that occurred recently in Algeria became the unfortunate consequence irrespective of a request of the Japanese government of ”Life priority".
    Terrorists to kill the hostages, and the use of force to kill terrorists to help the hostages, both of Them is the act to take the lives of people.
    I hope that these murders on earth is no longer happen for our descendants 、but it is difficult matter and I do not know well what we should do、sorry.

    1. Thanks for the very difficult question.
      It's so unsafe and insecure far away overseas but here and there it's getting close to be in danger.
      I think it from the human ugly hatred and grudge or something dominated to others.
      Hope we are in peace and safe under the generous heart.

  2. Do you mean the killer are terrorisms in Algeria?
    I truly condole died men and them family.
    Then do you know a book "Collapsed magnate"(Japanese book name:倒壊する巨塔,アルカイダと9.11への道)by Lawrence Wright?
    I was shocked to read the book,and I think I could understand a little for アルカイダ.
    I suppose killer is no problem for them.
    They hope only them lust to fill.
    I can`t allow and believe it.

    1. I mean a killer not only for terrorists but murderers who are ignorant of the precious life.
      I'm sorry that many innocent people are taken into crimes.
      We need to grow our conscience and remove evil.


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