
In my thought

Better choice

4 件のコメント:

  1. If I want to buy a thing, I am usually considering the "loss and gain", of course.
    For example、when buying a camera、I've been buying at camera shop of town in old days、 but recently I am buying in online shopping.
    In online shopping、 I can be bought same thing at discount 30~50%
    Also, my wife is looking for supermarket flyer to check cheap something every day.
    These would be positive in the wisdom of the wise life.
    However, I think rush retirement of teacher involved in changes in retirement money is not acceptable. 
    This is a matter of the ethics. Teacher should be clergy anytime.

    1. Thanks for the reply. I'm considering what the most quality life is.

  2. When I have nothing to buy, I pay 300yen.
    You think it lost,but it not.
    When I think I must buy something more than 2000yen,I can't enjoy shopping.I had a timu that I deceded to pay it from frist time.I can enjoy shopping and buy nothing waste.
    From that timu,I decide to pay parking fare,buying nothing.
    Ithink it's lost in short-trem,but it's benefit in long-trem.
    Have you ever paid 300yen? It is easy.

    1. Yes, I've got to think it right to pay only parking fee. Thank you!!


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