Today I woke up late. I've almost finished doing home works and stayed relaxed.
If I look back this year it was full of crazy big surprises. But in my life it was peaceful and sound except I fell down twice and had got my lower back hurt. It was monkey year " Out of sight, out of mind".
How was your year of 2016?
The last day of the year
Great Japanese
It's finding great Japanese program. This is a man of survival nature with wild animals. He thinks wolves which Japanese killed away from Japan should be the key of the recovery the forests in danger.
Great Japanese
Great Japanese
Magical shake
It's an amazing hand making using a plastic bottle. You can only shake it and make into delicious something....can you guess it?
Magical shake
Magical shake
What's the digital food?
It's a book about alarming of the dangerous food in recent days.
We can eat every day food to buy for the sake of professional systems which organizes from producing to marketing and they sell them to the end users.
Food industries supply us great number of food from the farm to the factory. We need to be careful what we eat ....if you know the fact you can't eat any of them.
But we should be wise as possible.
What's the digital food?
We can eat every day food to buy for the sake of professional systems which organizes from producing to marketing and they sell them to the end users.
Food industries supply us great number of food from the farm to the factory. We need to be careful what we eat ....if you know the fact you can't eat any of them.
But we should be wise as possible.
What's the digital food?
Problems after disasters
It's almost the end of year...the busiest season in a year.
I'm very sorry for the people who had disasters and had many problems these days.
The hardest part at the refuge is said to have no privacy nor being independent, can't help without sharing spaces each other.
It might be lots of stress and energy of patience.
Problems after disasters
I'm very sorry for the people who had disasters and had many problems these days.
The hardest part at the refuge is said to have no privacy nor being independent, can't help without sharing spaces each other.
It might be lots of stress and energy of patience.
Problems after disasters
Doctors say...
It's a bit old article in the digital magazine but it's a common issue for our health. Medical progress and medicine are very beneficial for us but medicines are not perfect at all.
Doctors say...
Doctors say...
Winter work
It's the final day to see the dahlia. I was thinking to cut it and keep them warm in winter.
Winter work
Winter work
A message from a noble mind
It's very enlightening and encouraging words by José Alberto Mujica Cordano. He was called "the poorest president"
He gives Japanese a great message this time after his first visit to Japan earlier in April.
A message from a noble mind
He gives Japanese a great message this time after his first visit to Japan earlier in April.
A message from a noble mind
Winter storm
It was heavy storm by the low pressure in the Northwest Pacific Ocean yesterday.
It was very scary outside. I was very worried about the dahlia being shaken and beaten by the strong wind.
Winter storm
It was very scary outside. I was very worried about the dahlia being shaken and beaten by the strong wind.
Winter storm
A life to climb the mountains
I read an article about a man who loves mountains and faced a lot of dangerous such as " live or die".
He had a serious experience to have lost his most fingers.
This is a story of a man who never gives up his challenging to climb mountains.
A life to climb the mountains
He had a serious experience to have lost his most fingers.
This is a story of a man who never gives up his challenging to climb mountains.
A life to climb the mountains
Home baking
I've ever baked pizza from bread flour at home. It was easier and better than I had expected. But I've never made good of bread at home.
I was invited one day home baking class. It was a perfect job to make professional bread.
Home baking
I was invited one day home baking class. It was a perfect job to make professional bread.
Home baking
Acrylic cleaner
It's recent my boom to knit "acrylic cleaner" to use at the kitchen instead of sponge.
It's very nice without using detergent but much oiled dishes should be formerly wiped out.
Acrylic cleaner
It's very nice without using detergent but much oiled dishes should be formerly wiped out.
Acrylic cleaner
Useful idea
I like economical, ecological and efficient goods. I'm very happy with those 3e stuff around me.
For example, I'm doing folding origami which makes me creative and easy to dispose in the end.
Knitting something goods like eco-cleaner using when I wash dishes which reduce kitchen soap.
Today I'll show you great idea using the simple one thing.
Useful idea
For example, I'm doing folding origami which makes me creative and easy to dispose in the end.
Knitting something goods like eco-cleaner using when I wash dishes which reduce kitchen soap.
Today I'll show you great idea using the simple one thing.
Useful idea
Great nature is a natural hospital
It's a familiar word "Great nature is a natural hospital", it's a copy from a CF of the famous pharmaceutical company.
Human beings have had a great progress to cultivate nature and built civilizations and we can live more and more comfortable life. But it seems against nature a lot.
We're somehow destroyers and invaders for the great nature.
I think it's time we need to give back nature and protect them, otherwise we will ruin ourselves in the future.
Great nature is a natural hospital
Human beings have had a great progress to cultivate nature and built civilizations and we can live more and more comfortable life. But it seems against nature a lot.
We're somehow destroyers and invaders for the great nature.
I think it's time we need to give back nature and protect them, otherwise we will ruin ourselves in the future.
Great nature is a natural hospital
How to sleep well
I'm surprised to find snow fallen in the garden this morning. Finally white carpet covers the ground.
Things changed color from red, yellow, dark orange and brown to winter white and grey.
It sounds like time for sleep or rest of life. I'm also having winter holiday. So everyone have a good rest!
How to sleep well
Things changed color from red, yellow, dark orange and brown to winter white and grey.
It sounds like time for sleep or rest of life. I'm also having winter holiday. So everyone have a good rest!
How to sleep well
Napkin Christmas tree
It's fun to make crafts in doors when it's cold and wet outside. It's my boom to make something and creative by myself.
I always find and enjoy learning something new.
Napkin Christmas tree
I always find and enjoy learning something new.
Napkin Christmas tree
Swimming school
It's cold here though the south hemisphere in Australia is now hot in summer. They're enjoying cool places in the pool at home and at school. My grandson Jace is learning to swim at first not be afraid of water with his dad.
Swimming school
Swimming school
Standing in the cold rain
I'm really sorry those flowers are too late to bloom. I thought it might have a wrong time.
But I'm also surprised and moved to see him like standing and smiling in the cold rain. It's him in the poem " amenimomakezu " by Kenji Miyazawa.
Then I respect the way of patience and strength.
Standing in the cold rain
But I'm also surprised and moved to see him like standing and smiling in the cold rain. It's him in the poem " amenimomakezu " by Kenji Miyazawa.
Then I respect the way of patience and strength.
Standing in the cold rain
How to cure yourself
Have you got the flu or having someone infected at home?
It's very anxious for getting serious or having problems to other people. So when you feel tired or sleepy go to bed at once, stop working before going bad.
How to cure yourself
It's very anxious for getting serious or having problems to other people. So when you feel tired or sleepy go to bed at once, stop working before going bad.
How to cure yourself
No evidence but worth for or not?
There're some folk remedies in our life. For example when you have a cold and a sore throat it's good to drink "honey and radish juice". If you really feel cold you can drink hot egg sake before going to bed..etc.
This is a new type for stomatitis.
It's up to you whether it's worth trying or not.
No evidence but worth for or not
This is a new type for stomatitis.
It's up to you whether it's worth trying or not.
No evidence but worth for or not
Digital mirror
When you go shopping and before buying something, you try to wear in the fitting room. If you can't choose the color it'll help you without changing another color.
Digital mirror
Digital mirror
Punch against the kangaroo
It's an unbelievable scene to punch against the kangaroo. The man bravely attacked to the big kangaroo which got neck-locking to his dog.
He really wanted to save dog free from the kangaroo.
Punch against the kangaroo
He really wanted to save dog free from the kangaroo.
Punch against the kangaroo
The best economical heater
Do you know what's the best cost performance among heaters at home?
It depends on housing style whether or big house, big family or small apartment house, small family. I wonder "Kotatsu" would be one of the Japanese style "cool head warm feet". But I've not set it for a long while because I couldn't get out of it and laying there for a long time being lazy.
The best economical heater
It depends on housing style whether or big house, big family or small apartment house, small family. I wonder "Kotatsu" would be one of the Japanese style "cool head warm feet". But I've not set it for a long while because I couldn't get out of it and laying there for a long time being lazy.
The best economical heater
Farm to table
It's about a new brand of farming "healthy and safe" farm. " kossori nouen" is far away but you can always observe by way of IoT technology.
Farm to table
Farm to table
Trio Hyacinth
It was very good to work in the garden yesterday.
I cut dead plants full into plastic garbage bag then finished to replant Hyacinth young plants.
Trio Hyacinth
I cut dead plants full into plastic garbage bag then finished to replant Hyacinth young plants.
Trio Hyacinth
Pin Pin Korori
It's increasing aged population and it's said to be lack of the beds or facilities for the people to be cared.
Every one wanted to be cared with a family at home but it's impossible for the single old people who are left alone without a family.
Doctors and area medical network tie to follow up people who needs care at home.
How to associate with home doctor
Every one wanted to be cared with a family at home but it's impossible for the single old people who are left alone without a family.
Doctors and area medical network tie to follow up people who needs care at home.
How to associate with home doctor
It's too late but...
I'm very surprised to find that the dead plant survives and makes its buds!
I'm so happy but worried because it's too late to bloom. It's winter not good occasion for blooming.
It's too late but...
I'm so happy but worried because it's too late to bloom. It's winter not good occasion for blooming.
It's too late but...
Autumn Leaves
It's dark and no sun in the sky even around 7:00am. It's like 5:00 am in summer. I woke up late these days because the cold and dark morning doesn't knock me's winter.
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves
New brand of food
It's a very interesting topic about our food. It's said our soul food from the gift of the sea are lack and in danger because of our life and industrial pollution and hunted too much. We're having problems by our own hands.
So genius hands are starting fishing farm and producing new brand hatchery fish.
New brand "Bonbon" and "Ojosaba"
So genius hands are starting fishing farm and producing new brand hatchery fish.
New brand "Bonbon" and "Ojosaba"
Winter ornament
As getting old you'll know what you like, how to live or even which tiny things make you happy.
I don't want so much but a little money, hope and dream...etc.
I happened to find a piece of paper in my old pouch. It was a memo letter from my daughter writing a few words which she gave me when she left me.
It made me very warm and happy filled with genuine pure Love.
I remember about a story "a fake dumpling". A poor little girl served a dumpling made by clay to the Buddha because she couldn't give anything else but her sincere faith.
We are accustomed to be too much because of wealthy in materials but somehow poor in mind. I think to myself.
I like to be with my favorite things.
Winter ornament
I don't want so much but a little money, hope and dream...etc.
I happened to find a piece of paper in my old pouch. It was a memo letter from my daughter writing a few words which she gave me when she left me.
It made me very warm and happy filled with genuine pure Love.
I remember about a story "a fake dumpling". A poor little girl served a dumpling made by clay to the Buddha because she couldn't give anything else but her sincere faith.
We are accustomed to be too much because of wealthy in materials but somehow poor in mind. I think to myself.
I like to be with my favorite things.
Winter ornament
The old female eagle
The voice of winter such as winter immigrant birds are found here and there. In our area the family swans are regularly seen at the well known famous spots
This is the unique immigrant "the old female eagle". It's called " the gramma at the Mt.Yamamoto".
It's so nice to be a topic for me because I can't find any good ones to share here.
The old female eagle
This is the unique immigrant "the old female eagle". It's called " the gramma at the Mt.Yamamoto".
It's so nice to be a topic for me because I can't find any good ones to share here.
The old female eagle
Final illusion
Fallen leaves are almost garbages beside the street. But still the yellow ginko leaves are alive and they are different each other.
I found the the mirroring exotic beauty on the pond. It was the last colorful scene this year.
Final illusion
I found the the mirroring exotic beauty on the pond. It was the last colorful scene this year.
Final illusion
Spider looks like a leaf
There are lots of unknown species in the world.
This is the news about a new species of spiders called "leaf-mimicking spider".
It's hard to be distinguished in the trees.
Spider looks like a leaf
This is the news about a new species of spiders called "leaf-mimicking spider".
It's hard to be distinguished in the trees.
Spider looks like a leaf
Christmas decorations
It's season for Christmas. I'm not a Christmas person but sending Christmas gift to my grandson who gets 2 years old this month. My daughter says Jace has a birthday and Christmas gift at once.
Christmas decorations
Christmas decorations
My winter boom
It's announced very cold today the first snow might be earlier than usual.
I think feeling the coldest at the beginning of winter because of the frozen cold deprive the warmth from the air.
I start to enjoy knitting to prepare for the coldness.
My winter boom
I think feeling the coldest at the beginning of winter because of the frozen cold deprive the warmth from the air.
I start to enjoy knitting to prepare for the coldness.
My winter boom
Be careful of the rapid weather change
We are having bad time of the disaster and cold weather now.
Be careful of yourself.
Be careful of rapid weather change
Be careful of yourself.
Be careful of rapid weather change
Deep color in Autumn
"There was hardly a green leaf left.
Alfred had turned a deep yellow. Ben had become a bright orange. Clare had become a blazing red, Daniel a deep purple and Freddie was red and gold and blue.
How beautiful they all looked.
Freddie and his friends had made tree a rainbow."
See the color of the world is just time of "Freddie the leaf" !
Though the color is beautiful no color comes after all.
But it means differently.
It's not the end but the beginning of the new life.
Deep color in Autumn
Alfred had turned a deep yellow. Ben had become a bright orange. Clare had become a blazing red, Daniel a deep purple and Freddie was red and gold and blue.
How beautiful they all looked.
Freddie and his friends had made tree a rainbow."
See the color of the world is just time of "Freddie the leaf" !
Though the color is beautiful no color comes after all.
But it means differently.
It's not the end but the beginning of the new life.
Deep color in Autumn
8 food you should avoid
Do you care about food in ever day life?
We're made up of food and supported life by the essence of nutritions. But we know something about chemical and unhealthy products are put into foods to prevent mold or going bad.
You see we're facing for the healthy risk of food.
8 food you should avoid
We're made up of food and supported life by the essence of nutritions. But we know something about chemical and unhealthy products are put into foods to prevent mold or going bad.
You see we're facing for the healthy risk of food.
8 food you should avoid
The foreign writer refers
"Japan’s sexism is infamous internationally, and I’d even rank it as one of the scourges of the nation. Fortunately, it’s a problem that can be tackled through education. So why isn’t anyone doing this?"
Even though the prime minister Shinzo Abe policy is "womenomics" since his governing.
It's not simple enough to renovate Japanese society to be evaluated well for the standard of women right.
"Japan’s sexism is infamous internationally, and I’d even rank it as one of the scourges of the nation. Fortunately, it’s a problem that can be tackled through education. So why isn’t anyone doing this?"
Even though the prime minister Shinzo Abe policy is "womenomics" since his governing.
It's not simple enough to renovate Japanese society to be evaluated well for the standard of women right.
Room green
It's grey and rainy sky. Green leaves are getting to disappear this year soon.
But I have small room green.
They show me evergreen all the year round. It makes me happy.
Room green
But I have small room green.
They show me evergreen all the year round. It makes me happy.
Room green
Future for the bookstore
It's reported that the decrease of bookstores now. What will be the future of the bookstores?
Future for the bookstore
Future for the bookstore
No salary president
It's really amazing that Mr.Trump, next President of the U.S.
declares to refuse his salary of $400,000 of a year. The rich business mogul would never buy cheap role but his commitment would be priceless.
No salary president
declares to refuse his salary of $400,000 of a year. The rich business mogul would never buy cheap role but his commitment would be priceless.
No salary president
You're not alone
A 88-year-old woman has a very interesting and active life. Her hobby is taking photos and editing collage by Mac. It was her son to lead her the photograph art. As he is a professional photographer. They join the exhibition of great works.
I think it's so successful for the aged person to have a life work.
Not alone enjoying life
I think it's so successful for the aged person to have a life work.
Not alone enjoying life
Slow life
A few years ago there often has been a popular word " LOHAS".
Do you remember? It means " Life of Healthy and Sustainable ".
It's about very rich mind in life. It should be in every day life but often forgotten because of busy and rapid progress of the world.
We're even in the local life sometimes being absent minded for caring own inner voice.
I think sickness reminds me of that "LOHAS" closer to me.
Slow life
Do you remember? It means " Life of Healthy and Sustainable ".
It's about very rich mind in life. It should be in every day life but often forgotten because of busy and rapid progress of the world.
We're even in the local life sometimes being absent minded for caring own inner voice.
I think sickness reminds me of that "LOHAS" closer to me.
Slow life
As I had a cold and having pain on my back 3 days ago. It was the hardest back pain I had ever had. I could move in the bed even turn or going to the bathroom. It was very bad for me.
I know that it comes from the cold that makes my brain control to fight against the versus. Fever and pain are my guard soldiers working very hard in my body.
I understand what is going on and take rest they will finish their task.
My pain is getting weak...,thank you.
I know that it comes from the cold that makes my brain control to fight against the versus. Fever and pain are my guard soldiers working very hard in my body.
I understand what is going on and take rest they will finish their task.
My pain is getting weak...,thank you.
Having bad time
Before yesterday i felt very cold when I took my dog for a walk. I didn't notice I had a slight fever or not but I felt very cold. After taking a hot bath went to bed early.
Having bad time
Having bad time
Blooming late
I see imperial dahlia blooming a week delayed as usual year. I remember seeing them bloom here and there at the beginning of November, on the Cultural Day is at the most.
But this year there often had typhoons in October when they were growing tall but their stalks are fragile and bad at strong wind.
There are two plants of the imperial dahlia in my garden but they were fallen and damaged by the storm.
It's very sorry.
Blooming late
But this year there often had typhoons in October when they were growing tall but their stalks are fragile and bad at strong wind.
There are two plants of the imperial dahlia in my garden but they were fallen and damaged by the storm.
It's very sorry.
Blooming late
From W to M
It was like a nightmare of the result in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. We were informed the wrong information by the mass communications such as News paper and medias. They didn't really care about people's mind just from the political one.
I don't think it would easy to control that big states but no way!
I hope great future after the destruction.
Today's topic is specific. Sorry I can't find any other good topics.
From W to M
I don't think it would easy to control that big states but no way!
I hope great future after the destruction.
Today's topic is specific. Sorry I can't find any other good topics.
From W to M
The Supermoon
It's Super Tuesday in the U.S. a half day behind from our time.
It's a big issue not only in America but also in the world. I'm just pray the good result for the world peace and happiness in the world.
Meanwhile, today's topic is about the Supermoon not Super Tuesday( ◠‿◠ )
Supermoon this year
It's a big issue not only in America but also in the world. I'm just pray the good result for the world peace and happiness in the world.
Meanwhile, today's topic is about the Supermoon not Super Tuesday( ◠‿◠ )
Supermoon this year
Season of Freddie the leaf
It'll be getting colder and shorter days of sunlight at the end of autumn.
It was very lucky to have the clear blue sky and sunshine yesterday.
I walked and bathed in the sun and seeing leaves colored to dead such a life of Freddie and other leaves.
The story makes us strong how wonderful life is and circulate to pass the energy to the new life. We're not afraid of dying anymore.
Season of Freddie the leaf
It was very lucky to have the clear blue sky and sunshine yesterday.
I walked and bathed in the sun and seeing leaves colored to dead such a life of Freddie and other leaves.
The story makes us strong how wonderful life is and circulate to pass the energy to the new life. We're not afraid of dying anymore.
Season of Freddie the leaf
Amazing 4-year-old girl
It's on the internet news that a 4-year-old Russian girl appeared on TV show and performed speaking in 7 languages.
She is a genius girl.
Amazing 4-year-old girl
She is a genius girl.
Amazing 4-year-old girl
Clouds over the sky
Yesterday I saw beautiful evening sky. The crescent moon was high in the southern west and red in the west sky.
I wished it would be fine next day.
Clouds over the sky
I wished it would be fine next day.
Clouds over the sky
The device used mostly
It's new for me that recent survey of blog dashboard tells most used item is iPhone and search engine is Safari on my blog. It means mobile computing is more and more increased in our life. You can access internet from your hands.
The device used mostly
The device used mostly
What you should say
It's well known to us but very important to remind the differences between English and Japanese. When we speak English we should turn the switch on English mode such as showing apologies or making notice for others.
What you should say
What you should say
Color in November
It's November. The end of fall is somehow sad and lonely. Leaves are dying to prepare for the cold winter and making warm bed for the next generation.
We're all connected in the ground. And giving life and sharing pleasure in the world. New life is given by great nature.
Color in November
We're all connected in the ground. And giving life and sharing pleasure in the world. New life is given by great nature.
Color in November
Sushi academy
" Sushi pose " is famous performance by Laird who is a professional baseball player of Nippon Ham. He made the final three-base-homerun and led the team the champion.
His favorite food sushi gave him a lot of energy. So he likes to pretend making sushi after the good play.
Do you want to make sushi nigiri like a master?
Sushi academy
His favorite food sushi gave him a lot of energy. So he likes to pretend making sushi after the good play.
Do you want to make sushi nigiri like a master?
Sushi academy
Nostalgic moving story
There are a lot of kindness in the world. It's in Thailand "repayment after 30 years". It's still beautiful and touching people give good heart which they can do for someone in trouble.
Nostalgic moving story
Nostalgic moving story
How to learn Mechanism
Do you know there is a switch to challenge something on our mind?It's different what you need to do and like to do. I remember when I was a high school student I really wanted to read books during examination term. It was annoying me I couldn't make a good result for what I needed to do then. It also happened when having a lot of time I didn't want to read anymore. What does it mean?
We can do it well or get self-satisfaction when we feel it fun or having potential to pursuit it.
Then how can we make ourselves turn on?
How to learn Mechanism
We can do it well or get self-satisfaction when we feel it fun or having potential to pursuit it.
Then how can we make ourselves turn on?
How to learn Mechanism
Autumn products
I've got some Autumn products from John and Jack. They're both on Friday mates J & J. Oh... my name is also from J. We're all triple J, the strongest teamJ!(╹◡╹)
Thanks for the great works.
Autumn products
Thanks for the great works.
Autumn products
Salmon coming back home
Do you know why salmon coming back home stream?
It's so mysterious that they know well about where they were born and made a long distance trip in the final of the life. It's so wonderful to know their survival life.
Salmon coming back home
It's so mysterious that they know well about where they were born and made a long distance trip in the final of the life. It's so wonderful to know their survival life.
Salmon coming back home
Animal therapy
I've lived with pets almost of my life except having lived by myself in one room apartment.
When I was small I had cats Mike, Romeo, Chappy and Charmy. My children also grew up with a pet cat or a pet dog. That's why we love pets and my daughter lives with two dogs and my son also has a dog.
Dogs are very faithful and loyal different from cats. I come to love more dogs than cats recently. Nowadays pets are a part of family and companions and give us good therapy.
Animal therapy
When I was small I had cats Mike, Romeo, Chappy and Charmy. My children also grew up with a pet cat or a pet dog. That's why we love pets and my daughter lives with two dogs and my son also has a dog.
Dogs are very faithful and loyal different from cats. I come to love more dogs than cats recently. Nowadays pets are a part of family and companions and give us good therapy.
Animal therapy
New aged association
There are more than 65 thousands people over 100-year-old in Japan. I wonder how many people can walk and eat without medical cares. One of the active workers is Mr. Hinohara, who is still working as an honorable head doctor at the Seiroka hospital.
New aged association
New aged association
Autumn exercise
Do you care about your lower belly pooch?
When it's getting cold being lazy to move or act and wearing thick makes me heavy.
If you want to be light in your body try something new exercise below.
Autumn exercise
When it's getting cold being lazy to move or act and wearing thick makes me heavy.
If you want to be light in your body try something new exercise below.
Autumn exercise
How to make sweet potato
It's good to eat potatoes. Especially sweet potatoes are on season now.
How do you like to cook sweet potato to arrange?
How to make sweet potato
How do you like to cook sweet potato to arrange?
How to make sweet potato
Big appetite
It seems " big appetite " not only us but also all the creatures in this season.
It's called " hungry caterpillar ".
Big appetite
It's called " hungry caterpillar ".
Big appetite
Color in autumn
It's getting to change color as it comes to get cold. It's not the time for the leaves colorful yet.
I see the pretty color in my garden now.
Color in autumn
I see the pretty color in my garden now.
Color in autumn
New taste
Do you know "makomodake"?
I had often saw it at the supermarket but never bought it until yesterday. It's because Mónika told me that she had cooked it and she found it very delicious. Of course it was the first for her to taste it. I was attempted to try the new food by her word.
It was yesterday I bought and cook it. The result was good enough! I'd love to cook it more often.
New taste
I had often saw it at the supermarket but never bought it until yesterday. It's because Mónika told me that she had cooked it and she found it very delicious. Of course it was the first for her to taste it. I was attempted to try the new food by her word.
It was yesterday I bought and cook it. The result was good enough! I'd love to cook it more often.
New taste
What a lovely movie!
It's a so cute elephant baby in Chiangmai where is famous for in good care of elephants, working together. They are showing and guiding for visitors. It's a great travelers' spot "Riding an elephant".
What a lovely movie!
What a lovely movie!
Idioms of animals
There are many idioms which are expression but don't know why. They're just said as usual.
This is idioms of animal today.
Guess what and learn.
Idioms of animals
This is idioms of animal today.
Guess what and learn.
Idioms of animals
Helpful menu
I often hear what shall I cook tonight. It's among wives' chattering. Not so many people exactly has a plan to do. Even though planned something it might be changed when I found something fresh and good ingredients at the supermarket.
So every day cooking is joyful and hard.
Helpful menu
So every day cooking is joyful and hard.
Helpful menu
View of the walkways
I walk by myself ( except walking my dog ) when it's beautiful and comfortable to go outside. This is the great season to walk in the sun. It's gentle and lovely sunshine not to care so much UV but wore a cap and glasses.
I like to find tiny beauty in the roadsides. They are vital and seems like to enjoy the final season. Orange, red and yellow are their passion.
View of the walkways
I like to find tiny beauty in the roadsides. They are vital and seems like to enjoy the final season. Orange, red and yellow are their passion.
View of the walkways
What a heartwarming incident
It's a very impressed article yesterday. A 91-year-old man fell to the valley down and his two dogs were protecting his body warm through the night. They were found and saved luckily.
What a heartwarming incident
What a heartwarming incident
Night view
Yesterday it was one of the most brilliant day and night. Daylight and moonlight were both great gift from the nature.
Night view
Night view
Good walking
It's a little old article in the early of this year, but you should know it. As it's getting cold we have to do exercise to warm ourselves. But you need to know how to do it in moderately.
Good walking
Good walking
Hello blue frog
There is a fairy story about a price who had been changed to the frog by the magic. Finally he got his body back by the great love of the beauty.
Here's a unique frog whose color is blue not the ordinary color green or gray.
I've never seen that. I'd like to find those of the different color.
Hello blue frog
Here's a unique frog whose color is blue not the ordinary color green or gray.
I've never seen that. I'd like to find those of the different color.
Hello blue frog
Joy of life
I was deeply moved with the exhibition now for the first time in Toyama. Seiji Fujishiro museum is in Nasu Highland far from here.
But you don't have to go on a long trip but just visit the modern art museum here.
It's very wonderful and feel joy of life.
Joy of life
But you don't have to go on a long trip but just visit the modern art museum here.
It's very wonderful and feel joy of life.
Joy of life
Learning for the seniors
There's a very interesting article for the long life learning. It's worth for reading in your life. We're still learning from anything.
Learning for the seniors
Learning for the seniors
Super Aquarium
It's a bit old news on the web but still new and live now.
"Takeshima Aquarium" is so attractive. I'd like to visit there.
Super aquarium
"Takeshima Aquarium" is so attractive. I'd like to visit there.
Super aquarium
Stormy after the storm
It's such a terrible storm this morning but not a typhoon. I'm really upset with the imperial dahlias are damaged by the both strong storm twice.
I'm very sorry I couldn't take attention for them to guard from the storm.
Stormy after the storm
I'm very sorry I couldn't take attention for them to guard from the storm.
Stormy after the storm
AI partner Kirobo
What if you're living alone by yourself, no partner nor family member at home. You might often see friends and going out or on a trip. But being yourself is not so bad without anyone. If you don't want to be bothered but feel lonely AI partner would be nice for you.
Kirobo will be hope or "kibou" for someone lonely.
AI partner Kirobo
Kirobo will be hope or "kibou" for someone lonely.
AI partner Kirobo
Before the typhoon
The typhoon 18 changed into the tropical cyclone finally. We are all safe and glad to have no damages. Now is very quiet after the typhoon.
Before the typhoon
Before the typhoon
To overcome long life
It's increasing the population of the old age. Recently it's said that " Sixty is a new forty " because sixty-year-old is no longer retired age and still active different from those days " life longevity is 50 ".
Now the average length of life both men and women are over 80.
We need to learn how to live well with long life.
To overcome long life
Now the average length of life both men and women are over 80.
We need to learn how to live well with long life.
To overcome long life
Weather forecast
Typhoon 18 is announced very strongly makes its way to the mainland. It'll go through from the southwest to northwest of all Japan. We need to pay attention for the information.
Weather forecast
Weather forecast
Autumn arrangement
It's starting to change to autumn color gradually. In the mountain it's already finished the peak of the color. Leaves are getting dead and falling to prepare for the new life. I'm really getting deep thought from the life regulation.
Autumn arrangement
Autumn arrangement
Puzzle to strengthen brain 2
It's cloudy and very cool this morning. As it's getting shorter and shorter of the day time sleeping in bed longer and later to get up. We need to get warm.
Puzzle to strengthen brain 2
Puzzle to strengthen brain 2
Puzzle to strengthen brain
It's very unique and interesting method to study Math for the beginning of the elementary school students. But it's so effective for adults and parents, too. I'd better try those puzzles than watching dramas recently.
Puzzle to strengthen brain
Puzzle to strengthen brain
Good at...
It's very hard to organize with lots of things and a little things are easy to set up. It's natural.
It's annoying to cook if the fridge is full with stuff unorganized. So it's very important to clean and organize things which are necessary or unnecessary.
Good at...
It's annoying to cook if the fridge is full with stuff unorganized. So it's very important to clean and organize things which are necessary or unnecessary.
Good at...
Supporter of stray Wan Nyan
It might be a special topic only for animal lovers or pet keepers.
The Animal care support association in Gunma prefecture saves a lot of unhappy lives.
Supporter of stray Wan and Nyan
The Animal care support association in Gunma prefecture saves a lot of unhappy lives.
Supporter of stray Wan and Nyan
Battle cat vs snake and...
Yesterday was about a snake on the armrest in the bullet train seat. Today is also a snake and others. It's very unique scene but somehow cruel because they fight hard to survive except the cat.
Anyway if you feel sick, don't have to watch the video in the end.
Battle cat vs snake and...
Anyway if you feel sick, don't have to watch the video in the end.
Battle cat vs snake and...
Snake on the arm set
It was yesterday that a snake was seen coiling on the armrest in the bullet train. What if you found a snake at the seat of the train?
I'll never try to get on for a while.
Snake on the armset
I'll never try to get on for a while.
Snake on the armset
Autumn gift 3
Good season for the hike in the day time. I couldn't walk in the day because of strong sunlight and hotness. But it was a good day to walk around.
Autumn gift 3
Autumn gift 3
Day of quiz 3
It's good season to eat fruits and fish on season. I eat grapes whole of them peel and seeds. It's said peel and seeds are very special effects like supplements including vitamin E, C and much polyphenol.
Today's quiz is here as yesterday.
Day of quiz 3
Today's quiz is here as yesterday.
Day of quiz 3
Day of quiz 2
It's dark and raining chilly morning. I can't see the sun and still foggy outside. Hope it'll be a mild day.
Today's quiz
Day of quiz 2
Today's quiz
Day of quiz 2
Day of quiz 1
Typhoon 16 has gone and left destruction and coldness. But it's said it'll be hot back in the end of September.
It will be gradually deep autumn getting back and forth.
Day of quiz 1
It will be gradually deep autumn getting back and forth.
Day of quiz 1
Great fiction for the proverb
I've been uploaded about proverb conversation for seven days. Today is the last day for the title.
It was very fun for me to make original story. I also didn't have to find out each topic for the day. It's a kind of "precarious day‐to‐day management".
I'd like to pick a theme for the week or something series from now on.
Great fiction for the proverb 7
It was very fun for me to make original story. I also didn't have to find out each topic for the day. It's a kind of "precarious day‐to‐day management".
I'd like to pick a theme for the week or something series from now on.
Great fiction for the proverb 7
Great fiction for the proverb 6
It's got cold these days. I need to change my clothes from short sleeves to long ones or prepare jackets or cardigans. Summer clothes are washed and put into backyard.
Today the last day of Silver week, it has been terrible typhoon attacks with heavy rain. We have to be patient until for the autumn beautiful sky later soon.
Great fiction for the proverb 6
Today the last day of Silver week, it has been terrible typhoon attacks with heavy rain. We have to be patient until for the autumn beautiful sky later soon.
Great fiction for the proverb 6
Great fiction for the proverb 5
Today is in the class home room at school. Students debate about this theme "Why do we have to study?" Their opinions are very exciting.
Great fiction for the proverb 5
Great fiction for the proverb 5
Great fiction for the proverb 4
Today the first of the silver week.
Good season for the leisure, sports and excursions.
I have no plan so far, walking around, gardening, go on a shopping in the suburbs and so on.
Today's topic is about children. How did you bring your children up?
Great fiction for the proverb
Good season for the leisure, sports and excursions.
I have no plan so far, walking around, gardening, go on a shopping in the suburbs and so on.
Today's topic is about children. How did you bring your children up?
Great fiction for the proverb
Great fiction for the proverb 3
I'm still having fictional dialogue for the being good life and having good consent in the relationships.
"You may say I'm a dreamer" ♫
Yes, I'm a day dreamer. I'm fond of making lovely conversation like in a happy ending drama.
Great fiction for the proverb 3
"You may say I'm a dreamer" ♫
Yes, I'm a day dreamer. I'm fond of making lovely conversation like in a happy ending drama.
Great fiction for the proverb 3
Great fiction for the proverb 2
I can't find any good news nor heartwarming story in my recent life. I'm bored out of my mind to search every day just exhausted myself. So I'm devoted myself in the fiction and made up clean and clear story for the genuine proverbs.
Today is "Great fiction for the proverb" 2. Please be patient!
Great fiction for the proverb 2
Today is "Great fiction for the proverb" 2. Please be patient!
Great fiction for the proverb 2
Great fiction for the proverb
I'll show you great fiction dialogue which is really ideal one between good friends who trusts each other.
I also embed "proverb" which has both meaningful in English and Japanese. You may think it too staged. I'm sure it is....but I hope it helps you to understand good proverb nuance in different languages.
Here we go.
Great fiction for the proverb 1
I also embed "proverb" which has both meaningful in English and Japanese. You may think it too staged. I'm sure it is....but I hope it helps you to understand good proverb nuance in different languages.
Here we go.
Great fiction for the proverb 1
We have temples
There are some different meanings in English words.
This is broadcasted on the Radio English conversation program last week. It's so interesting to find the unexpected meaning in each word.
We have temples
This is broadcasted on the Radio English conversation program last week. It's so interesting to find the unexpected meaning in each word.
We have temples
The cool air
When it comes cool air after summer it's getting my bad condition recently.
Last year I suddenly had a right arm and elbow ache and moved to the back shoulder. Finally I needed to mend scapula stiff by moving arm and shoulder exercises. It's time to care the physical treatment for me.
The cool air
Last year I suddenly had a right arm and elbow ache and moved to the back shoulder. Finally I needed to mend scapula stiff by moving arm and shoulder exercises. It's time to care the physical treatment for me.
The cool air
After the rain
The heavy rain attacked our area yesterday. It's called "It rains cats and dogs." And the more over thunder lightenings were frightening, too.
I gave up going out and stayed at home.
After the rain
I gave up going out and stayed at home.
After the rain
Check your selfishness or egoism
It's a playing game to check your personality. How much you're selfish or egoistic? In Japanese, "wagamama" or "jikochu"...something like that.
My friend insisted that she admits "wagamama" but not "egoist". Can you understand it?
Check your selfishness or egoism
My friend insisted that she admits "wagamama" but not "egoist". Can you understand it?
Check your selfishness or egoism
Paper Eco bag
Look! There are very interesting hand craft made by using the paper. It's a recycle and reuse product having the mind of economy as well as ecology.
Paper Eco bag
Paper Eco bag
Toyama tourism
It's said Toyama is not good at advertising tourism compared to the other prefectures. That's why attractions are less popular and not so well known to people.
What do you think?
Toyama Tourism
What do you think?
Toyama Tourism
A dog rescued
A dog was saved from the debris berried for 9 days in rubble.
Though the big earthquake killed 284 people, it's so amazing good news to help the dog.
A dog rescued from burring alive
Though the big earthquake killed 284 people, it's so amazing good news to help the dog.
A dog rescued from burring alive
An habitation of God
I went on driving to the highland, the entrance of the mountain ranges. It's not allowed to go by my car. It's a place of God.
An habitation of God
An habitation of God
The crow walking
It was yesterday when I walk my dog in the evening. It was still hot do I placed walking in the right side of shade but a crow was walking into the center of the street opening its peek 10m ahead ahead of me. It seems very strange.
The crow walking
The crow walking
Freddie the leaf, script
It's beginning of the new term today.
I'd like to share the script of "Freddie the leaf" to use in the class on Wednesday and Friday course.
Please check it and you can download and print it by yourself.
Freddie the leaf, whole sentence
Freddie & Daniel
The magical number
If you want to choose something how many samples you can choose easily from?
It's about a number of things you don't lose to choose.
Have you missed your choice when you can't decide because of so many things in them?
The magical number
It's about a number of things you don't lose to choose.
Have you missed your choice when you can't decide because of so many things in them?
The magical number
Typhoon attack
We've been very careful about the strange typhoon 10 for days.
It's landed today and different from the earlier course expected.
Typhoon attack
It's landed today and different from the earlier course expected.
Typhoon attack
AI works extended
It's reported that AI works extended to the creative field. AI will be expected to work in the different parts instead of manpower.
AI works extended
AI works extended
Super food
It's very good information how to keep avocado fresh in the fridge.
It's very high quality food.
When it's very hot frozen dessert avocado, banana and milk smoozy is good instead of shaved ice.
Super food
It's very high quality food.
When it's very hot frozen dessert avocado, banana and milk smoozy is good instead of shaved ice.
Super food
The Typhoon 10
It's very irregular about the tracking of the Typhoon 10 this time. It's not moving and slowly getting stronger and stronger.
I have to cancel the trip in the worst. But it's better safe than sorry.
The Typhoon 10
I have to cancel the trip in the worst. But it's better safe than sorry.
The Typhoon 10
Be careful when you park
It's an awful news in the other prefecture. I don't want such a bad rapacious dealer.
Be careful when you park
Be careful when you park
Abe Mario appeared
I watched the closing ceremony of Rio Olympic yesterday.
There were a lot of performances and it was a world festival in Rio.
Especially for the next Olympic in Tokyo, it was a splendid and funny presentation.
Abe Mario appeared
There were a lot of performances and it was a world festival in Rio.
Especially for the next Olympic in Tokyo, it was a splendid and funny presentation.
Abe Mario appeared
Taking nourishment
Olympic 2016 and the annual national high school baseball are over. It's almost end of events in summer.
As it lingers summer heat, you need to be careful about yourself. Tiredness after summer will bother you.
Taking nourishment
As it lingers summer heat, you need to be careful about yourself. Tiredness after summer will bother you.
Taking nourishment
Typhoon rush
It's cloudy and humid affected by typhoon. I worked in the garden and got unexpected harvests.
Typhoon rush
Typhoon rush
What a strong love
Yesterday never failed wrestling queen Saori Yoshida 33 year-old failed to get the fourth championship gold medal.
But I praise her 30 years' dedication to the girls' wrestling field.
I also love her mother's deep love for her daughter.
Her daughter is not a world champion for her, just a pretty girl.
Mother's great love made her which is a lovely beautiful strong athlete.
It's Saori's word and crying and apologizing on TV.
“I really wanted to win the gold medal and show it to everyone who has supported me, and I really have to apologize to them that I couldn’t do it,”
“A lot of things have happened over the past four years but I never thought about retiring and looked forward to competing in Rio. I wanted to win my fourth title no matter what, and I gave it everything I had to get here. So it’s pathetic that right at the end I wasn’t able to find it in me to win.”
What a strong love!
But I praise her 30 years' dedication to the girls' wrestling field.
I also love her mother's deep love for her daughter.
Her daughter is not a world champion for her, just a pretty girl.
Mother's great love made her which is a lovely beautiful strong athlete.
It's Saori's word and crying and apologizing on TV.
“I really wanted to win the gold medal and show it to everyone who has supported me, and I really have to apologize to them that I couldn’t do it,”
“A lot of things have happened over the past four years but I never thought about retiring and looked forward to competing in Rio. I wanted to win my fourth title no matter what, and I gave it everything I had to get here. So it’s pathetic that right at the end I wasn’t able to find it in me to win.”
What a strong love!
Little forest
I'll show you the movie which Lucy introduced yesterday which she really likes it. She wants to buy it because it's great recipe and how to enjoy cooking with it.
It's " Little forest ".
I appreciate her to have watched it and got great impression.
Little forest
It's " Little forest ".
I appreciate her to have watched it and got great impression.
Little forest
A handy electric mower
It's been annoying me that weeds have grown up highly and covered the yard. I was thinking when it gets cool it will die naturally. But it doesn't look nice whenever I see my garden and having habitants of bugs as well as mosquitos.
So I got a light and electric mower. It really helped me to clean the garden.
A handy electric mower
So I got a light and electric mower. It really helped me to clean the garden.
A handy electric mower
Ten proven habits to happiness
We have many habits which are good or bad. You know there are rules which make you happy or not. Have you ever thought about habits you have ?
Ten proven habits to happiness
Ten proven habits to happiness
Piano live at the bookstore
It was the last day of average Bon holiday. Most people have three days off and joined the event in each area.
I met a piano concert at the cafe in the bookstore. I enjoyed it very much.
Piano live at the bookstore
I met a piano concert at the cafe in the bookstore. I enjoyed it very much.
Piano live at the bookstore
Scenery like a picture
It's been very hot in the daytime. I made an early trip to the cool place in the highland. It was cool around 25C.
Scenery like a picture
Scenery like a picture
Amazing champ queen
We're so excited with the heat and the passion of Rio Olympic. We're very proud of Japanese athletes made great works in the different fields. Especially the gymnastics men's group and individual both got the gold medals! It's so amazing.
In the other hand, do you know female gymnastic champion?
Simone Biles
In the other hand, do you know female gymnastic champion?
Simone Biles
A stray dog in Buenos Iris
It's a miraculous love story between a woman in Germany and a dog in Buenos Iris.
They met destined and their distance got closer.
A stray dog fell in love with a flight attendant
They met destined and their distance got closer.
A stray dog fell in love with a flight attendant
The beginning of autumn
It's really cool this morning. I didn't open the window at once because I didn't feel hot when I woke up. As I started to clean and laundry it's getting hot and opened the windows. I feel autumn is around the corner especially in the morning and at night.
The beginning of autumn
The beginning of autumn
Tomato pickles
It's really cool this morning after rainfall last night. I feel it getting more comfortable day by day.
But you need to be careful after the peek of the hotness. Tiredness will be approaching you so prepare for the bad condition.
Tomato pickles
But you need to be careful after the peek of the hotness. Tiredness will be approaching you so prepare for the bad condition.
Tomato pickles
Olympic today
This morning there are two good news gold medal Japanese got in Rio Olympic. One is Judo and the other is Gymnastic.
I was worried gold medal was far from Japan...
Olympic today
I was worried gold medal was far from Japan...
Olympic today
Tropical summer night
I couldn't go out in the day time and walked at night.
But it was still hot not from the sky but from the ground, such as "heat island". We need more gentle walk road not by asphalts.
Tropical summer night
But it was still hot not from the sky but from the ground, such as "heat island". We need more gentle walk road not by asphalts.
Tropical summer night
Heat stroke
It's very important to know these two weeks are very dangerous for heat stroke. Please check it out!
Heat stroke
Heat stroke
Tiny wild birds
I heard a bird singing very beautifully in my home. I was interested in catching to see it some day. I was trying to make sure of it when I heard of it immediately yesterday. Finally I caught to see it.
Tiny wild birds
Tiny wild birds
Rio Olympic
Rio Olympic soccer game Japan VS Nigeria will start soon this morning before opening ceremony. There will be a lot of passion and emotion and make summer hotter.
Rio Olympic
Rio Olympic
To protect deers
When I saw news yesterday morning it reported about the struggle between railway company stuff and Wild deers.
I'm very relieved with their conclusions to avoid problems each other.
To protect deers
I'm very relieved with their conclusions to avoid problems each other.
To protect deers
Why she makes cats laughing
Eiko Uoda moved to hometown, Toyama 13 years ago with her retired husband. She's been making handcrafts in her art gallery at home.
She makes cats laughing
She makes cats laughing
Noblesse Oblige
"Nobility" and "Obligation" is not different. In ancient French there was a high quality of principle.
It's " Noblesse Oblige".
It's not far from us in Japan. We can understand it because of we had one similar to it.
Noblesse Oblige
It's " Noblesse Oblige".
It's not far from us in Japan. We can understand it because of we had one similar to it.
Noblesse Oblige
Basil sauce
I tried to grow basil from the seeds this year. But it didn't grow well and can't get enough products nor seeds. Maybe I didn't know how to make them careful to prevent their enemies. They should be careful to grow not like other wild herbs.
So I could make basil sauce only small portion.
Basil sauce
So I could make basil sauce only small portion.
Basil sauce
Lunch last week
It's been very hot these days....I didn't want to go out but promises. I had lunch twice last week though being very hot.
Finally those were very good ones and want to go there again.
Lunch last week
Finally those were very good ones and want to go there again.
Lunch last week
Anger management
Have you heard of "Anger Management " ?
It's recent training to control brain.
It's very useful if you get used to it.
Anger management
It's recent training to control brain.
It's very useful if you get used to it.
Anger management
Original bookcover
I'm reading while I have time during holidays.
I've got a mail to make original bookcover using used paper or clothes. I tried how to make handmade bookcovers.
Original bookcover
I've got a mail to make original bookcover using used paper or clothes. I tried how to make handmade bookcovers.
Original bookcover
The whole molting
I watched a cicada larva molting from the beginning to the end yesterday. It was a coincidence when I checked the cicada which had molted before yesterday( it was already a cicada from the shell), it was still staying at the trunk of the tree. To my surprise I saw two larvas staying the same tree and prepared to molt in the evening. So I was observing them to grow....
The whole molting
The whole molting
Cicada molting
I happened to see it when it stopped raining and opened the window that a cicada had just shed its old close and appeared in white. It was in the evening around 5:00 pm yesterday. Though it was not raining but windy so the new born cicada was swinging at the limb of the branch. I was very worried about it and it would be alive until next morning. But I could do just watching it until midnight.
Cicada molting
Cicada molting
Cats at work
Do you know that there is no rat where cats's not an old story. Now is really cats working and helpful.
Cats at work
Cats at work
To fulfill mind
It's very important to think yourself deeply to make your mind clear. It's said the enemy of you is not outside but inside of yourself. So you need to control yourself and feel satisfied to do anything you want.
To fulfill mind
To fulfill mind
A cool senior rider
I happened to see a new sport car, S660 Honda in front of the pharmacy. It's said so popular that you have to wait for more than three months among manias.
But at the same time I was very astonished at the back sight.
A cool senior rider
But at the same time I was very astonished at the back sight.
A cool senior rider
Secret word
Did you know AOIKUMA?
I've heard it on TV yesterday morning " Immigrants from Japan in Brazil ". There were many Japanese 2 or 3 generation who are living in Brazil still lingering for the far home country. They take after Japanese culture. Among this one of the youth who succeeded Japanese private class which teach people not only Japanese language but also other interesting culture. He has always in his heart which brighten up is "AOIKUMA". The precious word for him.
The secret word
I've heard it on TV yesterday morning " Immigrants from Japan in Brazil ". There were many Japanese 2 or 3 generation who are living in Brazil still lingering for the far home country. They take after Japanese culture. Among this one of the youth who succeeded Japanese private class which teach people not only Japanese language but also other interesting culture. He has always in his heart which brighten up is "AOIKUMA". The precious word for him.
The secret word
How to choose good cucumber
It was very cool and comfortable yesterday not like summer as a day before. I usually don't work air condition but open the window from the north to the south. It was too cold to keep the windows open so I closed one of the northern side of the windows.
I eat summer vegetables cucumbers, eggplants, zucchinis to cool myself.
How to choose good cucumber
I eat summer vegetables cucumbers, eggplants, zucchinis to cool myself.
How to choose good cucumber
Black jewelry
It's time to pick black berries up day by day. When they changed black look like fine jewelry. I want them keep that shine but they'll go rapidly dying so I need to cook into jam at last.
Black jewelry
Black jewelry
An unique bottle cap
There are many new trend in Tokyo for example, town, building, technology and so on.
I also found an unique product in our daily life.
An unique bottle cap
I also found an unique product in our daily life.
An unique bottle cap
International city Tokyo
The final third day in Tokyo was the main visiting to the exhibition of Renoir from Orsay and Orangerie Museum.
There were about 100 paintings and they are all of life works of Renoir's. His impression art made a lot of influences in the painting.
Then I moved to Asakusa from Roppongi seeing a lot of foreign people.
It's also funny to see a strange sign statue from the window. It's called "kintongumo" of the beer company.
I also visited the Skytree tower but it was a long queue for 3 hours' waiting to entry. I gave up to climb it.
International city Tokyo
There were about 100 paintings and they are all of life works of Renoir's. His impression art made a lot of influences in the painting.
Then I moved to Asakusa from Roppongi seeing a lot of foreign people.
It's also funny to see a strange sign statue from the window. It's called "kintongumo" of the beer company.
I also visited the Skytree tower but it was a long queue for 3 hours' waiting to entry. I gave up to climb it.
International city Tokyo
Tokyo walker
It's a good news that National Western Museum got a Unesco World Culture heritage just after I had left there yesterday.
Many people were gathered in the Ueno park where three big museums and a zoo and the park are inside. The reputation of the world heritage will make more gathering.
Tokyo walker
Many people were gathered in the Ueno park where three big museums and a zoo and the park are inside. The reputation of the world heritage will make more gathering.
Tokyo walker
Tuna tail garlic steak
I made a trip to Tokyo for 2 hours by Shinkansen yesterday.
I arrived in the morning before check in time but asked to keep my baggage at the front desk to walk around the town easily without heavy bag.
Then on my way to the station I found the famous 24 hours open izakaya restaurant. I just tried to have some food and drink before leaving lunch time.
Tuna tail garlic steak
I arrived in the morning before check in time but asked to keep my baggage at the front desk to walk around the town easily without heavy bag.
Then on my way to the station I found the famous 24 hours open izakaya restaurant. I just tried to have some food and drink before leaving lunch time.
Tuna tail garlic steak
Picking blueberry
I was invited to pick up blueberry in my friend's garden. Her husband had made effort to care of them for three years. Now they are grown up and having great number of fruits to share with people familiar to her. It was great pleasure for me to have a fantastic experience.
Picking blueberry
Picking blueberry
Alzheimer’s risk
There's increasing Alzheimer's from the old age of the brain diseases such as dementia.
It's reported new research for the Alzheimer's risk from earlier age.
Are you concerned about this topic?
Alzheimer’s risk from young age
It's reported new research for the Alzheimer's risk from earlier age.
Are you concerned about this topic?
Alzheimer’s risk from young age
Gorgeous lunch
It was rainy and no sun all day long yesterday.
I went to eat out lunch with friends and had a good time yesterday.
Gorgeous lunch
I went to eat out lunch with friends and had a good time yesterday.
Gorgeous lunch
Allergy March
It's about allergy with a lot of causes. Now we meet with many allergens and would suddenly have allergic symptoms.
I don't want if I can't eat my favorite food because of allergy.
Allergy March
I don't want if I can't eat my favorite food because of allergy.
Allergy March
A new food supply for the population problem
It's so amazing that Canadian company enterprises "Cricket farm" for the new food supply. It'll solve the food problem by the growth of the population.
Some 100 million crickets are said to save human life in the future.
A new supply for population problem
Some 100 million crickets are said to save human life in the future.
A new supply for population problem
Intestinal bacteria and brain
Do you care about intestinal bacteria inside the intestines?
It's reported that intestinal bacteria works well for your brain.So we care to eat yogurt to make good for our brain.
Intestinal bacteria and brain
It's reported that intestinal bacteria works well for your brain.So we care to eat yogurt to make good for our brain.
Intestinal bacteria and brain
The fall of Freddie the Leaf
I'm so sorry to inform you that I gave the handout which was " The fall of Freddie" to the introductory classes on Wednesday and Friday.
I found it misfiled....No2 and No3 is misplaced to numbering.
I was so careless about that!
Please make sure and understand to read the order...from 1 , 3 and 2 is the right position of the story.
Please let them know if you try as many people as possible.
I found it misfiled....No2 and No3 is misplaced to numbering.
I was so careless about that!
Please make sure and understand to read the order...from 1 , 3 and 2 is the right position of the story.
Please let them know if you try as many people as possible.
Egg toast for breakfast
It's a simple cooking for busy breakfast but it's a bit longer than 10 minutes by oven.
While you are doing other things the oven would work well for you.
Egg toast for breakfast
While you are doing other things the oven would work well for you.
Egg toast for breakfast
It's reported crows are very dangerous this season to attack people when they walk near their baby practicing to fly. The parents are very aggressive to the enemy which might give harm to their loved one. So crows seem very affectionate and also clever. But I'm not fond of their voice and shape so much when they are near my house.
How should you live?
When we get sick or having pain in the body, tend to go negative and get mental weak, too.
But what about sickness and diseases are something alarming for you to protect the fatal harm condition? You might be welcome them and get good rest to heal your body immediately and keep good care.
In the other side, mind is the central controller for the all of us and reflect each part of the body. So it's said that "Worry is often the cause of illness". Do you ask yourself?
How should you live?
But what about sickness and diseases are something alarming for you to protect the fatal harm condition? You might be welcome them and get good rest to heal your body immediately and keep good care.
In the other side, mind is the central controller for the all of us and reflect each part of the body. So it's said that "Worry is often the cause of illness". Do you ask yourself?
How should you live?
Born to love you
I'm very moved with the activity of "Oihama" high school in Chiba prefecture. Their biology club has been succeeded to hatch chicks without shells. They can hatch and raise from the egg into the wrap. I'm very surprised at the wrap babies.
Born to love you
Born to love you
What's the strongest?
You might answer human being, the nature, diseases, disasters or something extraordinary power and God...
But these are wrong.
The answer is here below.
What's the strongest?
But these are wrong.
The answer is here below.
What's the strongest?
Colorful after the rain
It's typical rainy season this week.
The humidity is 100% and damp in the air. We can't stay without A.C. or dehumidifier all day long.
I really get healed to see the color in the garden. Rain shower makes them brilliant scene.
Colorful after the rain
The humidity is 100% and damp in the air. We can't stay without A.C. or dehumidifier all day long.
I really get healed to see the color in the garden. Rain shower makes them brilliant scene.
Colorful after the rain
Lavender purple
It's season for blooming and in the mid of rainy season.
I picked up lavender and wanted to keep it long after the season. I'll try to make perfume bag from drying them.
Lavender purple
I picked up lavender and wanted to keep it long after the season. I'll try to make perfume bag from drying them.
Lavender purple
Basil topping on the salad
I picked up the basil leaves to dress on my salad dish for the first harvest yesterday.
But it was not big enough to make paste or sauce but just cutting and cleaning the planter because they might not fight each other.
I hope they will grow well.
Salad topping basil
But it was not big enough to make paste or sauce but just cutting and cleaning the planter because they might not fight each other.
I hope they will grow well.
Salad topping basil
Dangerous mold
Humid and wet make your place in danger. It's said in this rainy season there are sometimes causing risks of mold which tends to happen in the water route such as in the bathroom and in the washing machine. Please check and have a good treat.
Be careful for the mold
Be careful for the mold
Green leaves
It's rainy season, good for plants.
They are vivid and green wet with shower. The baby basil leaves are a bit slowly growing now.
Green leaves
They are vivid and green wet with shower. The baby basil leaves are a bit slowly growing now.
Green leaves
English as a communicative language
It's said there are most number of people who speak English as native and non-native in the world. And there are also many different kinds of English as well as Queen's English and American English or Aussie's.
Many different accents are already official languages here and there. So we are never afraid of being different.
English as a communicative language
Many different accents are already official languages here and there. So we are never afraid of being different.
English as a communicative language
Quick confection
Do you like sweets especially meals?
In summer we'd more eat cold sweets than ever. Ice cream, sherbets, smoothie as well as cold drink. So why don't you have a fun with easy and quick recipe?
Quick confection
In summer we'd more eat cold sweets than ever. Ice cream, sherbets, smoothie as well as cold drink. So why don't you have a fun with easy and quick recipe?
Quick confection
Can you solve it?
It's a basic Math algebra which you learned at high school. But recently many young people tend to make mistakes and only 60 % of 20-something could solve it correctly.
A Math question
A Math question
Check your medicine
Do you regularly take medicines?This is a very warming report for the patients to care own health.
Doctors prescribe for the patients but it doesn't seem to be effective. So you need to read it by your own responsibility.
Check your medicine
Doctors prescribe for the patients but it doesn't seem to be effective. So you need to read it by your own responsibility.
Check your medicine
Cats' heaven
I saw cats in Sicilia on the tv program " Wandering with cats in the world by Mitsuaki Iwago ". It made me culture shocked that even cats are "Do in Rome as the Romans do".
Cats in Sicilia
Cats in Sicilia
Is it healthy or not?
According to the article, in the senior life you need an exercise regularly but not too hard.
It's new research of the healthy science. It's worth for taking a read.
Is it healthy or not?
It's new research of the healthy science. It's worth for taking a read.
Is it healthy or not?
Be careful to update
I've been a Window's user since 1995 until 2010. I had used 95, 98, millennium(Me) and XP, total numbers of PC were 7 including notebook and mobile PC. But I was always having problems with the updating and antivirus softwares. Sometimes antivirus software made the program run slow to access and did problem worse. I really got tired of going along with Windows because they are too hard to work networking seamlessly. So I shifted to Mac to work with iOS 5 years ago. Since then I had no problem with my Mac Pro.
I'm very sorry for those who use Windows with a lot of troubles.
Be careful to update
I'm very sorry for those who use Windows with a lot of troubles.
Be careful to update
Meat cake with Sansho pepper
The Sansho pepper given from Jack, I made it done boiling and soaking in water. Then I cooked them with soy sauce and seasonings to go until flavored soup.
I was wondering how to use it. Finally I tried to grill a block of meat with Sansho pepper soup.
Meat cake with Sansho pepper
I was wondering how to use it. Finally I tried to grill a block of meat with Sansho pepper soup.
Meat cake with Sansho pepper
Summer Solstice
Today is the beginning of summer called "Summer Solstice" in the calendar all over the world. It's an old tradition to celebrate harvest and health from the astrology. We can see the astronomical observation in the north hemisphere, a strawberry moon.
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice
Belated birthday celebration
My birthday week was over with the great Italian food using Japanese seafood. I really enjoy the Saturday night.
Belated birthday celebration
Belated birthday celebration
La Niña after El Niño
Have you heard of "La Niña" and "El Niño". It's the name of weather phenomena from Latin female and male names.
La Niña after El Niño
La Niña after El Niño
Google birthday doodle
It's very amusing and playful method that Google shows the message icon individually.
I wonder AI knows all about information of the members and sending messages such as the doodle.
It's a kind of newsletters or social message service(SMS). It doesn't worry me as long as having security policy.
Google doodle
I wonder AI knows all about information of the members and sending messages such as the doodle.
It's a kind of newsletters or social message service(SMS). It doesn't worry me as long as having security policy.
Google doodle
Ideal coworkers
It's a new business to rent goats to clean the grasses. I think it a great corporation in the nature because there is nothing useless in the world. For someone's waste might be for others' use.
Ideal coworkers
Ideal coworkers
View from the window
I visited the oldest Japanese restaurant in Toyama city after a long while. It's famous for the traditional season fish and white shrimp. I ate the total number of 350 shrimp in the feast.
View from the window
View from the window
Swimming in the shade
It was very hot yesterday. But I was walking along with the sunshine path following the shade under the trees or buildings.
When I took a rest in the park and found a good place to see and having cool.
Swimming in the shade
When I took a rest in the park and found a good place to see and having cool.
Swimming in the shade
Nothing special
It's a really lovely morning.
I like the greenery and mild season.
I have nothing special today but feel comfortable with nothing special.
Nothing special
I like the greenery and mild season.
I have nothing special today but feel comfortable with nothing special.
Nothing special
Scary attack
Have you been chased by bees?
They are not usually harmful but once when you are aimed an enemy by them they make a target in pursuit of you.
This is a real terrible story.
Scary attack
They are not usually harmful but once when you are aimed an enemy by them they make a target in pursuit of you.
This is a real terrible story.
Scary attack
Leaf salad
I love to eat green salad. It's an important role of my healthy condition. Mineral, vitamins, fiber and so on are needed each day.
I'd like to use some topping or dressing for the green salad in the garden. Herbs and leaf vegetables are very useful.
Leaf salad
I'd like to use some topping or dressing for the green salad in the garden. Herbs and leaf vegetables are very useful.
Leaf salad
Color purple
It seems like rainy season sign being cloudy yesterday.
I like to match color pink, green and purple in my garden.
It was good color in my eyes.
Natural color gives me a lot of pleasure.
Color purple
I like to match color pink, green and purple in my garden.
It was good color in my eyes.
Natural color gives me a lot of pleasure.
Color purple
Easy cooking
I like to cook fast and easy. It's very fun and challenging for me to save time and money when using leftovers.
Recently food waste such as bananas are going bad fast because they can't be kept in the fridge. So how can I use for the ripe bananas?
Easy cooking
Recently food waste such as bananas are going bad fast because they can't be kept in the fridge. So how can I use for the ripe bananas?
Easy cooking
Flea market
It was the first Sunday of the Flea market. It was the very season for the morning people who love to go out and see people and enjoy shopping in the nostalgic moment.
It's very crowded even at 6:00 am.
Flea market
It's very crowded even at 6:00 am.
Flea market
Amazing graduate
It's really unbelievable that a 96-year-old Japanese man graduated from university!
It's the world record he did.
Amazing graduate
It's the world record he did.
Amazing graduate
Flowers of the roadside
When I walked my dog I found lovely flowers blooming at their most. They are immigrated by someone to bring their seeds.
They might be left to weed unlike other plants.
Flowers of the roadside
They might be left to weed unlike other plants.
Flowers of the roadside
Brazilian bread
It's very familiar and delicious bread. Home bakery's "pau birear" tastes like rice cake made from tapioca powder.
Brazilian bread
Brazilian bread
A baby elephant was rescued
It's an amazing news that an elephant fell into the drain and rescued by many people in Sri Lanka.
A baby elephant was rescued
A baby elephant was rescued
What a lovely resort!
It's definitely the most beautiful season in a year with fresh green and a lot of energy from the woods. I had a very good time to have great resort in the park not from the distance but in the neighborhood in the town.
It's so fantastic to be able to enjoy forest therapy easily.
What a lovely resort!
It's so fantastic to be able to enjoy forest therapy easily.
What a lovely resort!
Flowers bloom
There are a lot of animation heroes in Japanese animation.
I was brought up watching them, Atom, Reo, Hyuma Hoshi and so on. They gave me great pleasure at that time and now they revive to show you how to get your dream back and make good passion. We can help each other to make our world happy like animation heroes.
Flowers bloom
I was brought up watching them, Atom, Reo, Hyuma Hoshi and so on. They gave me great pleasure at that time and now they revive to show you how to get your dream back and make good passion. We can help each other to make our world happy like animation heroes.
Flowers bloom
Historical speech
It was finally realized that U.S. president Obama has visited to see Hiroshima and made a speech after 71 years from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing.
It's really historic and one of the most important events in 21 century.
I'm very impressed and think about those who had suffered and made efforts to make it come true in the backyard not only the Japanese but also the American. It was very lucky of the ambassador being Caroline Kennedy and the president being Barrack Obama and the staffs, too as well as the prime minister Abe and staffs.
It's the great step forward to the world peace without wars.
Historical speech
It's really historic and one of the most important events in 21 century.
I'm very impressed and think about those who had suffered and made efforts to make it come true in the backyard not only the Japanese but also the American. It was very lucky of the ambassador being Caroline Kennedy and the president being Barrack Obama and the staffs, too as well as the prime minister Abe and staffs.
It's the great step forward to the world peace without wars.
Historical speech
The oldest elephant died
It was suddenly appeared on the newsflash that 69-year-old elephant Hanako died.
Hanako in the Inogashira zoo got 69 years old this year but she canceled her birthday ceremony because of her bad healthy condition. I'm sure she was being taken a good care by the good hands.
The oldest elephant died
Hanako in the Inogashira zoo got 69 years old this year but she canceled her birthday ceremony because of her bad healthy condition. I'm sure she was being taken a good care by the good hands.
The oldest elephant died
Ethnic restaurants
It's one of the pleasure time to eat out with friend or family. But it comes to be hard to find good places to visit again.
So I can show you the good one which I recently had.
Ethnic restaurants
So I can show you the good one which I recently had.
Ethnic restaurants
What's this?
Today's topic is about food which I've eaten, my friend gave me.
It was for the first time for me. It tasted new but very familiar.
What's this?
What's this?
It was for the first time for me. It tasted new but very familiar.
What's this?
What's this?
Dance party
The hydrangea is waiting for the rainy season.
In my garden tiny buds are starting to bloom now.
They're still young and small, cut and grown last year by Cherry who loves them and gave a good care.
Thanks for your lovely child! I'm a foster mother of it.
Dance party
In my garden tiny buds are starting to bloom now.
They're still young and small, cut and grown last year by Cherry who loves them and gave a good care.
Thanks for your lovely child! I'm a foster mother of it.
Dance party
96th birthday
How to get old well... Sadako always shows me. She forgets everything even just before what she ate or what we talked, so many things repeating and the same topics.
But I find it very important that her truth and gratitude never die after getting dementia. It's so amazing.
I think her life is really honest and confident.
96th birthday
But I find it very important that her truth and gratitude never die after getting dementia. It's so amazing.
I think her life is really honest and confident.
96th birthday
Funny face
I feel very comfortable these days, no heater no air condition.
I come to think why nature is busy to be active and growing day by day. It's the best time to live close to the nature. I love it very much.
Funny face
I come to think why nature is busy to be active and growing day by day. It's the best time to live close to the nature. I love it very much.
Funny face
New product
I really love Dyson cleaner Digital Slim in my house.
I love to use it and clean all my places easily and fast.
I couldn't use it when I had hurt my right arm but I could handle both arms, left one covering the right.
This time Dyson's released a new product, a hair dryer of cool and stylish design.
I'd love to try to use it.
New product by Dyson
I love to use it and clean all my places easily and fast.
I couldn't use it when I had hurt my right arm but I could handle both arms, left one covering the right.
This time Dyson's released a new product, a hair dryer of cool and stylish design.
I'd love to try to use it.
New product by Dyson
Raising children
It's a lovely scene to see a wild duck family in the river.
A mother had 6 babies and caring them carefully. I really pray for the little tiny life could survive and grow well and fast like a mother.
Duck family
A mother had 6 babies and caring them carefully. I really pray for the little tiny life could survive and grow well and fast like a mother.
Duck family
Problem in my eye
It was before yesterday I went to the oculist and got examination because I had a problem in my left eye.
Problem in my eye
Problem in my eye
The power of seeds
It was much colder yesterday morning than those past a few days. It was about 10C difference below than before. So it made my shoulder ache more than a little. It's so clear that the temperature caused a lot of influence to me, recently as getting's kind of sad but I need to accept it.
Anyway I tried to build another new page on "Wordpress" because "jugemu" didn't effect any comment by Odekyu and mine,too.
Let me do "trials and errors" till getting good results.
I'll never give up!
The power of seeds-It's a new world
Anyway I tried to build another new page on "Wordpress" because "jugemu" didn't effect any comment by Odekyu and mine,too.
Let me do "trials and errors" till getting good results.
I'll never give up!
The power of seeds-It's a new world
Cat acrobatic tightrope
It's been a problem that you can't post comments from iPhone on this "Blogger".
I tried to research to improve it but it doesn't make any solutions.
So I'm testing that another space of "jugemu" can make it possible to get comments from any devices.
Please try and send comments from the new space.
Cat tightrope
I tried to research to improve it but it doesn't make any solutions.
So I'm testing that another space of "jugemu" can make it possible to get comments from any devices.
Please try and send comments from the new space.
Cat tightrope
Hero dog saved 7-year-old girl
It's very shocking and breathtaking news that a family German Shepard dog saved 7-year-old daughter from the rattle snake though he got bite 7 injured, fighting against the rattle snake.
He was deadly wounded by the attack of the rattle snake. And fortunately he was immediately rescued and got treated with a high quality medicine by the warm hands' donation. Because his act was widely praised as a great hero dog.
Hero dog saved 7-year-old girl from the rattle snake
He was deadly wounded by the attack of the rattle snake. And fortunately he was immediately rescued and got treated with a high quality medicine by the warm hands' donation. Because his act was widely praised as a great hero dog.
Hero dog saved 7-year-old girl from the rattle snake
What's this?
What do you think it is?
I give you a question.

The answer is the following.

It's a porch made of zipper.

I give you a question.

The answer is the following.

It's a porch made of zipper.

Walking with a pet tortoise
" Bon chan " is an idol in the area of Tsukishima. It's a 20-year- old Geochelone sulcata tortoise.
Mr. Mitani walks with Bon chan every day around the neighborhood. They are very popular among people and tourists visiting there.
I'd like to see them and touch Bin chan someday.
Walking with a pet tortoise
Mr. Mitani walks with Bon chan every day around the neighborhood. They are very popular among people and tourists visiting there.
I'd like to see them and touch Bin chan someday.
Walking with a pet tortoise
A new born baby from 70 years old mom
It's so sensational that 70-year-old woman in India gave birth to a baby for the first time.
The husband is 79 year-old.
What will happen for the baby in the future, I'm worried but the couple doesn't care about it.
Is it sane or not?
A new born child from 70 years old mom
The husband is 79 year-old.
What will happen for the baby in the future, I'm worried but the couple doesn't care about it.
Is it sane or not?
A new born child from 70 years old mom
Basil seeds
It's season to plant in the garden.
I'm thinking to grow basil as last year. But I took seeds from the one last year.
So I try to seed but it's not easy to sprout it.( I used to buy young plants because it's much easier)
I planted the seeds on the plate two weeks ago. And then it sprouted after about ten days.
Now it's growing a little by little.
I'm not sure how to make them grow healthy.
Maybe I would replant into the rich soil carefully.
It's very interesting to see the sprouts getting to grow.

I'm thinking to grow basil as last year. But I took seeds from the one last year.
So I try to seed but it's not easy to sprout it.( I used to buy young plants because it's much easier)
I planted the seeds on the plate two weeks ago. And then it sprouted after about ten days.
Now it's growing a little by little.
I'm not sure how to make them grow healthy.
Maybe I would replant into the rich soil carefully.
It's very interesting to see the sprouts getting to grow.

PM 2.5
Yesterday it was cloudy so I walked my dog without wearing mask or hat in the afternoon. And more I was working outside weeding for a while until pulling the tall rapid growing plants out.
I didn't feel cold or sick at that time but I began to get sneeze and sore throat at night. I felt bad and went to bed early with a medicine.
I think it was something wrong in the I checked it on the net.
Obviously the pm2.5 was a lot yesterday even though less yellow sand because of no wind.
Be careful this week!
There will be caution of pm2.5 a lot this week.
So never forget wearing mask and glasses and hat when you walk outside.
pm 2.5
I didn't feel cold or sick at that time but I began to get sneeze and sore throat at night. I felt bad and went to bed early with a medicine.
I think it was something wrong in the I checked it on the net.
Obviously the pm2.5 was a lot yesterday even though less yellow sand because of no wind.
Be careful this week!
There will be caution of pm2.5 a lot this week.
So never forget wearing mask and glasses and hat when you walk outside.
pm 2.5
How do I look?
It's very funny and playful site that Microsoft releases.
It's "".
You can be estimated how old you look through the web camera by the computer.
I tried twice but it made me flatter to look much younger and treat to feel in the magic.
The site would attract people to tell you younger and make smile.
How do I look?
It's "".
You can be estimated how old you look through the web camera by the computer.
I tried twice but it made me flatter to look much younger and treat to feel in the magic.
The site would attract people to tell you younger and make smile.
How do I look?
A mom for zoo orphans
It's so amazing that a dog raises orphan animal babies at the zoo.
"A 5-year-old Australian shepherd who mothers orphaned baby animals at the Cincinnati Zoo (too cute, we know). This patient rescue pup shows baby cheetahs, wallabies, foxes and the occasional warthog how to play and socialize like real, well, animals."
A great foster mother
"A 5-year-old Australian shepherd who mothers orphaned baby animals at the Cincinnati Zoo (too cute, we know). This patient rescue pup shows baby cheetahs, wallabies, foxes and the occasional warthog how to play and socialize like real, well, animals."
A great foster mother
May Storm
It's been very stormy for weeks.
Weather reports say "May Storm" when getting warm the cold weather crushes and battles to cause the strong storm like typhoon.
I feel it very uneasy and dangerous every day.
There were many problems caused by the storm here and there.
And it makes the matters worse that storm brings us yellow sands which contaminated with virus and poison pm2.5 from the continent.
So you should wear masks when you go out and avoid from getting sickness.
May storm
Alert of pm2.5
Weather reports say "May Storm" when getting warm the cold weather crushes and battles to cause the strong storm like typhoon.
I feel it very uneasy and dangerous every day.
There were many problems caused by the storm here and there.
And it makes the matters worse that storm brings us yellow sands which contaminated with virus and poison pm2.5 from the continent.
So you should wear masks when you go out and avoid from getting sickness.
May storm
Alert of pm2.5
Shinda surprised to give birth a baby
Nobody noticed that 24-year-old gorilla Shinda - who is a bit overweight - was pregnant. After several miscarriages, she was expected to remain childless.
From the video, Shinda is really caring for the baby and treating her baby like her treasure.
Hope she will do mother work well.
24-year-old gorilla surprised people
Shinda gave birth a baby
I wonder how old Shinda for the human age. It can be estimated.
How old is it for a human age?
So Shinda gave birth a baby as 53 -year-old as the human age!
It's so amazing.
From the video, Shinda is really caring for the baby and treating her baby like her treasure.
Hope she will do mother work well.
24-year-old gorilla surprised people
Shinda gave birth a baby
I wonder how old Shinda for the human age. It can be estimated.
How old is it for a human age?
So Shinda gave birth a baby as 53 -year-old as the human age!
It's so amazing.
What's this?
GW eat and fun
Drove to the south on the route 41 before Takayama you can reach to the old restaurant, which serves Tofu steak, hormon famous in those area.
It's open 11:00am but there was already a long queue around 10:00 am.
I finally ate them at 12:00pm.
It was a long wait and drive day.

It's open 11:00am but there was already a long queue around 10:00 am.
I finally ate them at 12:00pm.
It was a long wait and drive day.

Hiving the nest
I look for swallows to nest in the countryside.
I used to find swallows nesting at Rinrin in Nirehara villege.
This time nests in the restroom were destroyed and broken because of droppings' dirtiness.
I felt very sorry for that.
Then I went into farther and found the nests were inside the shop.
I'm very happy to see them welcome and bough fresh mountain vegetables.

I used to find swallows nesting at Rinrin in Nirehara villege.
This time nests in the restroom were destroyed and broken because of droppings' dirtiness.
I felt very sorry for that.
Then I went into farther and found the nests were inside the shop.
I'm very happy to see them welcome and bough fresh mountain vegetables.

Flea market
I went to the flea market after a long while.
I used to go there when my children were small and enjoyed walking around each open street stall.
Once my daughter asked me to open a stall there and we tried one with some friends there. It was just fan of old memories.
Yesterday many people were coming and going at the area.
I wanted to some fresh vegetables but it was too late at around 8:30am though....I finally found the last two packages of small bamboo shoot.
I joyfully bought them and a wild plant "Yomena" at the other stall.
I'll go get fresh vegetables next month earlier in the morning.

I used to go there when my children were small and enjoyed walking around each open street stall.
Once my daughter asked me to open a stall there and we tried one with some friends there. It was just fan of old memories.
Yesterday many people were coming and going at the area.
I wanted to some fresh vegetables but it was too late at around 8:30am though....I finally found the last two packages of small bamboo shoot.
I joyfully bought them and a wild plant "Yomena" at the other stall.
I'll go get fresh vegetables next month earlier in the morning.