
Proof of the dandelion

Proof of the dandelion

2 件のコメント:

  1. It was good to find a actual thing wearing "wataboushi".
    I am admire your inquiring mind.
    And I was relieved to be proved that it was a dandelion.
    I also want to learn various things taking advantage with lot of the free time after retirement in the wake of the topic of your blog.

    By the way, there are a lot of the topic for trees or flowers recently in your blog.
    My wife also has an interest in flowering plant, and have recorded by examining more than about 50 kinds of flower's name in my garden.

    1. Thanks for your every respond and it makes me encourage to upload new topics.
      By the way, there is a word "zassou" in Japanese but there is no word for that in English. There is a " plants " for evey plant and every plant has name. We take it granted to call the useless plants " zassou ".
      But there is no difference among plants which are zassou or not.
      Are herbs and dandelions plants and zassou also?
      I'm sometimes confused myself recently.


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