
Rainy week

It's turned rainy and stormy this morning. The temperature has got much lower than yesterday.
The weekly weather forecast says that it will long rainy days because the rainy clouds come and stay over Japan for a while.
I'm very weak at the difference of the changing weather and temperature. It causes me a kind of allergy as usual.
I wear half sleeve jacket and keep my temperature.
Please take a good care of yourself!

2 件のコメント:

  1. The weather of this morning is like a lie compared with the weather of yesterday really.
    But, I think continuation of fine weather up to now is rather abnormal and weather like this is a usual climate of this season.
    However, I think changes in extreme weather like this is not preferable.
    I also have continuous sneeze from this morning.

    1. It's a kind of complete lie between yesterday and today...
      It makes us a big problem.


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