
The happiness point

OECD reports the happiness point highest best 10 among developed countries.
The top is Australia because of its employed and economic situation.
Although Japan is 20th of 36.

This makes me understood because my daughter has lived in Australia for 8 years and she's lives happily and enjoyed life. There are many people from around the world getting along each other and working and helping not too hard. It's a small world of cross-cultural communication though the price is high and salary is also high.
People seem enjoying peaceful life without fear in the future.
I think it's the point!

The happiest life

4 件のコメント:

  1. It accounted for eight countries by North America and Oceania and Northern Europe among the selected countries in "the world's 10 happiest countries".
    Especially it is a surprise that Australia is occupied first place for the fourth consecutive year.
    And I was somewhat surprising that Japan was in position 20.

    By the way, it was a hot day reminiscent of summer today, wasnt it?
    It seems maximum temperature of Toyama was in the 31.2 degrees and the second place in the whole country.
    I had waxing the floor of the annual in my home while to sweat.

    1. It will turn to change to cold tomorrow.
      We need to be careful for the weather.

  2. I was surprised that Japan was 26th of 36.
    I though Japan was a little upper and about 15th.
    Japan is a safest country in the world,but another happiness point is low.
    When I watched TV about Australia, I though it was comfortable to live.
    I'd like to go to there and live really.

    1. I think they are easy going and care about life not saving money. They seem to enjoy life there.


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