
The first word

My daughter says that her 1 and 2 months old son, Jace spoke a word which makes sense for the first time.
It was when he was taking his toy and happened to fall it down on the floor and he suddenly shouted out " Oh, no! ".
It was the first word though he had murmured a lot but not clear as a word.
He could finally start to use the communication tool.
It won't be long before he'll be able to speak and make understand himself.
We're looking foreword to seeing his growth every moment.

10 件のコメント:

  1. I sometimes meet a granddaughter with face thyme.
    The son displays us on TV.
    But she plays freely without showing interest.
    Though she utter the sound like words, we don't understand the meaning.

    By the way,
    My meal this morning was rice for disasters.
    I have prepare the goods for the disasters to two backpacks.
    This is because it became the expiry date of alpha rice of a one of those.

    1. Babies are like white campus. They are artificial created by any design and color.
      We expect them a lot.

  2. His first word is "Oh, No!" , right?
    He is my English teacher.
    But he is my rival.
    His growth is very fast.
    He is quick to learn English words.
    After one year, I'm sure he passes me.
    It is too bad. But I can't wait his growth.

    1. I expect him how he will talk to me next time.

  3. I am surprised slightly by words of "Oh, no!" that Jace spoke for the first time because this words are instinctively utterances, not taught from others.
    In the case of Japan's baby, first words to speak is often "Manma" or "Mam".

    By the way, my granddaughter is birthday of 2-year-old today.
    She can say the name of the whole family not to mention her name.
    In addition, she speak other many words, and can be to communicate with family.
    Just then, today was held the birthday party of January born in the nursery she attends, and will receive a bouquet of flowers.
    We pays attention "Who gives her a bouquet?"

    1. Happy birthday to your granddaughter! She'll be happy forever.

    2. When asked to granddaughter that came back from the nursery, she told us joyfully that bouquet got from the "Daichan" of her boy friend.
      In addition, she will appear in TV program today's "Happy Time" by a photograph I have taken.

    3. Oh...that's very lucky for her today!
      Today is her day !

  4. Children grow up so quickly !  how long have been meet grandchildren ? what kind of chat will you do? You'll be looking
    forwared his


    1. Thank you Emily to send a comment.
      I usually chat with my daughter's family via FaceTime on iOS because we are all Apple family^^


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