
Clouds over the sky

Yesterday I saw beautiful evening sky. The crescent moon was high in the southern west and red in the west sky.
I wished it would be fine next day.

Clouds over the sky

4 件のコメント:

  1. My hibiscus received a pest attack this year.
    I gave the medicine of repel pest as taught by jack.
    And hibiscus has been bloom a beautiful flower, but than usual late.
    I was cut the branches of the hibiscus today, and brought into the house.
    In addition, I cut the branches of blueberry at the first time this year from planting, because little it didn't have the fruit this year.
    I hope that the next year once again they have a new leafs.

    I go for walk to the mountain tomorrow with friends .
    So, I go to buy food for tomorrow from now.

    1. You're lucky to have your hibiscus flower bloom back and tomorrow will be good for trekking the mountain. Have a good time!

  2. Certainly yesterday during the day, it was warm and good weather. Tsurugi and Tateyama mountain range of snow-capped was very beautiful. And sunset in evening was also great.
    But, today was cold in reversal and cloudy day.
    By the way, because I was able to complete the video editing of the tour in U. K finally, I went to watch and cheer baseball games of elder grandson on today and yesterday. Yesterday was ideal day for watching games, but today was cold.

    By the way, what is "Ekiken"? Is it "Ekiden"?

    1. So good for you to have finished the mission work!
      I'm sorry I made a mistake to have typo....as you say I wanted to write "Ekiden" I correct immediately just now!


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