
The device used mostly

It's new for me that recent survey of blog dashboard tells most used item is iPhone and search engine is Safari on my blog. It means mobile computing is more and more increased in our life. You can access internet from your hands.

The device used mostly

4 件のコメント:

  1. I'm ashamed to say that my knowledge is little about the computer or smart phone.
    I always hear that your information about Information technology like a story of the distant world.
    I wonder is in what kind of network the world when my grandchildren has become an adult?

    By the way,
    I got the "Gold kiwifruits" from a friend today.
    "Gold kiwifruits" seems to harvest all at the same time.
    There are some very small ones, but their taste seems the same.
    I can't wait that they become soft.

    1. You don't have to be shamed about not concerned network technology but I have nothing special topic today. Sorry for that unfamiliar topic for you.

  2. Our age, especially I am not good this kind topic because being man of the analog era.
    So, it is a limit for me to use the net by the Windows PC.
    I am very envious you who can take advantage of the leading edge equipment and technology freely.
    By the way, I am struggling to video editing of the UK tour by PC now.

    1. I'm sorry you've been having struggling with the video works. I know you're a perfect composer to finish the articles. Don't be too much exhausted. Please take it easy!


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