
The old female eagle

The voice of winter such as winter immigrant birds are found here and there. In our area the family swans are regularly seen at the well known famous spots
This is the unique immigrant "the old female eagle". It's called " the gramma at the Mt.Yamamoto".
It's so nice to be a topic for me because I can't find any good ones to share here.

The old female eagle

8 件のコメント:

  1. Thank you so much every day.

    Thanks to you I can have time to think in English everyday.
    Four days later it's "shiwasu". It'ss really fast that time passes.

    By the way,
    From now I will go to Kanazawa with my husband.

    1. It's a rainy day on Monday. You seem to have the sunshine in your heart with husband, don't you?

  2. The old female eagle's name is "the gramma at the Mt.Yamamoto", right?
    Eagle can look at far away.
    A few years ago, I have had a cake in my hand.
    Suddenly eagle was go down from sky and robed my cake from my hand.
    Luckily my hand was safe.

    1. Is it really? I can't believe what you said but I saw kites in the seashore robbed ice cream from the hand of the people. I never saw wild eagle.

  3. I don't believe it, too.
    But it's really.
    I heard a crow attacked at shopper.
    When we walk, we have to be careful.

  4. I knew this "eagle" for the first time in your blog. So, I checked about this "eagle" in the net.
    I can not see it well in the photo of this article, but this "eagle" is pretty cool and beautiful, isn't it?
    Name of this "eagle" in English is "Steller's sea-eagle" and their average life span is about 25 years old and generally, it seems that female are short-lived in birds.
    Therefore, it is surprising that she estimated to be over 25 years old will come to Japan continuously for 19 years. She is very strong.

    By the way, yesterday Emperor Dalia of my garden is not tall, but flowered all at once. Seven large flowers with a diameter of 15 cm bloom and it is wonderful. I wish to see these with the blue sky back.

    1. Sorry I delay to respond you.
      I really envy you have that beauty back in your garden. Anyway congratulations! Hope next year a little earlier.


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