
Amazing dam spillway

It's so different type of dam spillway from ours. The water hole within the lake is showing like flowers. It's so fantastic and amazing.

Amazing dam spillway

4 件のコメント:

  1. It's an amazing dam, isn't it?
    I haven't the way of thinking as such.
    I thought it is important to learn different thinking when I looked this dam.
    The world is broad, right?

    1. Yeah...we've never seen such a dam in Japan!

  2. Who thought of such drainage methods?
    This is very unique, isn't it?
    Looking at this water hole, maybe I'll fell like falling into the hole as well.
    We can't use sightseeing boats at this dam lake!

    By the way,
    I make hina dolls of Origami with my friends from now.


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