

Do you grow vegetables at home?
I sometimes try to grow basil, rocket and some herb plants etc.
They're very useful if there is no stock of vegetables in the fridge I can cut them in the garden. I use them into vegetable sauce or salad and for toppings.
This topic is an unique kit of home kitchen garden with green leaves. It can be nice for the interior, too.


6 件のコメント:

  1. Vegetable was originally traditional outdoor cultivation.
    Even in our home, I grew seasonal vegetables each every season in the field until several years ago.
    Then cultivation of season-gap was possible by cultivated in vinyl houses. In addition, recentlly it has become factory mass production regardless of the season.
    What was introduced this time is possible more evolved vegetable cultivation in the room of the home, isn't it?
    However, our house doesn't need such a kit because we get seasonal vegetables each every season from my wife's parents home now.

    1. Of course you don't need this kit any more...you're very lucky and happy to get fresh vegetable in a year!

  2. One of my dreams is to grow herbs in the kitchen window side.
    I tried it several times but I couldn't do it well.
    This kit may be good, but it's too expensive.
    But, I am happy because I can make a house garden.
    I challenge red leaf lettuce every year, but failures continue.
    I will challenge this year as well in the my house garden.

    Today I used a lot of "but".
    I wonder it's correct usage? I have to study again.

    1. It's nothing effective to grow vegetables than solar power even LDE and electric light. So the house garden is more great products than interior one. House green seems just for the interior not for the edible in the end.

  3. I like tomatoes. So I want to make it on porch.
    I'm sorry I was late to send mail.
    I drank sake.
    See you on your blog tomorrow.

    1. Buenas noches , Sensor! I'm also drinking wine 😋


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