

I'm very proud of the long life flowers on the pot outside in the garden.
I planted them in October last year. They have been producing pretty flowers for than 7 months.
This time, I divide their roots and plant to the land from the flower pot.
I really appreciate their beautiful flowers and enjoy very much.
I don't want to lose their lives only a year, so I will try to make a effort to live their life long.
I guess they hate summer heat and get weak and die in summer regularly.
I'm not a good gardener but I will have a passion to take care of them in this summer.
If I could protect them from the summer dying heat, I will meet their pretty color for a long time again.
these tiny flowers are somehow more elegant and attractive than the queen of flower, roses.
I enjoy arranging colorful petals in the small vase.

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2 件のコメント:

  1. I think those small white flowers have a more long lasting but hidden beauty, without them the roses are not as beautiful as they are now.

  2. Hidden beauty seems to be patient.
    I remember that good words for three patience.
    Always hold those, Love, respect and confidence.
    Thank you (=^ェ^=)


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