
Art flower

My daughter is making art flower for her wedding bouquet.
I've learned how to make it from her.
But she said I'm not good at it not like her.
I'm going to try to make it better and good at it after trials.
This is my first art works of rose bouquet.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Will your daughter be married soon in Australia?
    If so, I will say congratulations!
    And if so, you must be skilled soon.
    But your art works looks beautiful rose petal of prima facie.
    Please hurry up to make the completed bouquet.

    1. Thank you. She will get married next year.
      I don't need to hurry to be skilled up for the craft because she's already skilled her bouquets and ready.
      I'm just curious for the craft of art.


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