
Weekend quiz

Weekend quiz

2 件のコメント:

  1. My answer is as follows. I do not know 4. 3. Unfortunately.

    1. The woman who is getting marry to the man.=Bride
    2. The man who is getting to marry to the woman.=Groom
    3. 2〜5 women who support 1. at the wedding ceremony.⇒?
    4. 2〜5 men who support. 2. at the wedding ceremony.⇒?
    5. The woman who is getting marry in June.=June Bride

    By the way, today is the beginning of June, isn't it?
    I got up to 4:30 this morning and went to buy a "Tuitachi Manjyu". People of more than 200 had already lined up in front of the store in spite of the early morning.
    "Tuitachi Manjyu" is an annual event of Toyama.

    1. Wow...you did it!
      Tsuitachi manju makes you happy for a year!


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