
Great fiction for the proverb 5

Today is in the class home room at school. Students debate about this theme "Why do we have to study?" Their opinions are very exciting.
Great fiction for the proverb 5

8 件のコメント:

  1. It's a very difficult question for me.
    I like an English.
    So I send my writing on jen's blog about every day.
    But I don't like to study another subject.
    So I understand student’s opinion.
    Anyway, to study is very important for all people.
    Almost people can have high knowledge and culture.

    1. Okay, it's so helpful for me that you are sending reply each day even you never answer the question.

  2. Why do we have to study?
    Thought it seems the answer is simple, really difficult.
    I'm interested in many things. And I want to know about it.
    Now, I think that using a lot of time with the study of English.
    "A lifetime effort. A lifetime youth". . Mitsuo Aida

    My daughter was not able to come in the obon.
    So, she has came back home in the Silver week.

    1. It's very wet silver week. It's impossible to go out because of heavy rain. Better stay at home.

  3. The search for this a series of the proverb is very difficult, isn't it?
    Probably it seems wrong, but I think the proverb of today is "sukikoso monono jyouzunare" or "gakumon ni oudo nashi".

    By the way, it was a rainy day daylong today, wasn't it?
    Because of the rain and the grandchildren of the baseball game was canceled, I was able to rest slowly after a long time.

    1. That's good for you to have a little rest though your grandson is very sorry for the cancel of it.
      Today's proverb is about " Learn wisdom by the foolishness of others." Can you get it?

  4. I can understand. That's "hitonofuri mite wagafuri naose" in Japanese, isn't it?
    Thank you for your answer.

    1. You're right. But sorry it's my own illusion of story, it's too hard to understand.


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