
It's too late but...

I'm very surprised to find that the dead plant survives and makes its buds!
I'm so happy but worried because it's too late to bloom. It's winter not good occasion for blooming.

It's too late but...

4 件のコメント:

  1. I think there is still the possibility of blooming to your emperor dalia.
    Becaue even the emperor dalia of my garden is short of growth, the height of 1.5 meters tall and looks to be very weak, but seven flowers bloomed at 5 days ago and continues to bloom today yet.
    Besides, today and tomorrow will be warm with good weather, so it will surely bloom. I want to believe in the strength of life of plants.
    By the way, though I wanted to see the emperor Dalia with the blue sky back, my wish came true this morning.

    1. That's true...if you wish your dream comes true! It's so great that the nature gives me power and happiness.

  2. Your life force of Emperor Dalia is wonderful.
    Even so, this Emperor Dalia is tall.
    i wonder if we can listen to good news next week?

    By the way,
    Today there were clouds on the blue sky as if cotton put without thinking anything.
    It was a good feeling.

    1. We are lucky to have had a great day though the northern Japan is having terrible coldness and heavy snow, sorry about that.


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