
Winter work

It's the final day to see the dahlia. I was thinking to cut it and keep them warm in winter.

Winter work

4 件のコメント:

  1. Kitchen knife of the photo is makes me feel strange atmosphere.
    You made a lot of dahlia's joints.
    Do you grow all of these?
    I have respect your challenge mind.
    I will do my utmost by helping to the fourth time hibernation of my hibiscus.

    Also today is a busy day.

    1. It's not a kitchen knife but a saw.... it's too tiny and fragile to cut the hard and thick trunk. I need help someone strong hands to cut it.

  2. You did many elaborate works, didn't you?
    New sprout will surely come out from stem nodes next spring.
    I cut the stem of emperor dalia about 20 cm hight remained and will make it overwinter while keeping on the ground with covered by poly bucket for prevent cold.

    By the way, the flower of emperor dahlia bloomed in my vase dropped in this evening and finally the its life has ended.

    1. I'm trying to find the good place for the dahlia to bloom next year. Though the place this year was bad for storm and night light to bloom their best. Sorry for the bad place.


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