
Warm news in cold winter

I've got a heart warming news about a loyal pet dog.
The dog is 7-year-old labrador retriever female dog, her name is Junior.
She saved her family, a 3 year-old grand daughter and the grandfather in a car crashed by an accident. They couldn't move out from the car though the windows were broken.
It was winter in Hokkaido, the temperature was minus degree Celsius. Junior had protected the grand daughter warmly by her body all night until they were found next day.
If it were not for Junior the little girl would not live any more...the news said.
That's why Junior got a prize to have saved life from the mayor.
I'm sure she will grow up a lovely person who has never had such a severe but wonderful experience. Love dogs as well as you!

A pet dog saved life
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2 件のコメント:

  1. The thing that I'm always surprised is that the dog knows what to do without being said from someone else. Good job, Junior!

  2. The purest and the most genuine love in the world. I think dogs are best companions as well as best love makers.


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