
Pray for rain

It's been extremely dreadful hot weather. It's the highest record in these years.
We've never had such hot as hell!
I'm praying for rain for my garden.
The plants are drying and dying because of strong heat.
I'm worried about strange weather and the bad effect from the drought.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Intense heat such as we have never experienced so far is followed every day.
    Although it was usually only once at evening so far, I have been watering twice at morning and evening for plants.
    This intense heat is threat to humans also as well as plants.
    Let be careful enough to avoid heat disorder to each other!

    By the way, I will climb "Tateyama Zaimoku-slope" to Bijodaira from Tateyama station tomorrow at regular meeting of walking club.

    1. You will have cool late summer tomorrow.

    2. There will be no coolness to me.
      We will sweat like a waterfall maybe rather because we must climb steep mountain path about 2 hours.


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