
General winter

It has turned cold low temperature under 10 degree like the General Winter is approaching.
Chilly rain brought a bit frost so really cold outside.
It's very hard for walking dogs in the chilly rain. Marie doesn't like walking in the rain but she wares rain jacket and go a around quickly.
She likes staying in the warm blanket.

10 件のコメント:

  1. She looks good and warm.
    Winter came at a run.
    I warmed with kotatu all day long.
    It was so cold that I wore a turtleneck.I felt warm.
    Marie wore a scarf.She felt warmer though she covered a bristle.
    My cat sleeps on a warm blanket or in a kotatu.

    1. Not only cats but also dogs like in warm!

  2. Wow!
    Very cute!!
    Wearing the neck warmer of mom handmade, seem happy!

    1. Actually she doesn't seem to like a model of the fashion; LOL

  3. Marie looks very good to wear with your handmade neck warmer.
    At that, it became cold really.
    When watching TV from the afternoon, it reported that there is a lot of snow in the Tohoku and Hokkaido and there was one centimeter snow at Inotani of Toyama.
    This year's winter might be to visit more early.

    By the way, my grandchildren went to Toyama Family Park in elementary school excursion today.
    Unfortunately, it was sometimes rainy and cold weather, but they've enjoyed greatly. Children don't be to care about the cold at all.

    1. Indeed, they said " Children are strong for the coldness"
      Is it still true?
      I'm weak for the coldness because of getting old LOL

  4. My dog is a girl of the miniature dachshund,too,
    She had nine children for 2 degrees delivery at13 years old
    She did childcare in the children that love is very deep well ,
    butcheerful at all even which breast cancer was found in recently is full of the appetites
    Still parting will sometime,I do not want to think.

    1. Recently the rate of the cancer of dogs are very high.
      It's because of the longevity of the life such as humans.
      My dog also has some tumor on the stomach which are caused by hormon problem of the female dogs. The veteran gives her expensive pills to prevent getting worse, without insurance it costs a lot!

  5. Yes, I think children are strong for the coldness still now.
    Also I think the opinion that become weak to coldness with getting old is a mistake.
    When I was young, I was shivering in the cold when getting up at the morning in the winter, but when I was getting old now I am no longer shivering in the cold
    However, it might be paralyzed feeling to feel the cold by getting old.

    1. You are not the case for getting older and getting weak....I will try to train myself to be free from the aging problem. Thank you!


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