
Pirate park

Children like playing. And they need to play outside. But it's mostly dangerous without guardians. So parents who have small kids under preschool need places to go out and playing with kids. There are some good play grounds in the neighborhood where my daughter used to take Jace.

Pirate Park

6 件のコメント:

  1. Indeed, it is Australia, isn't it? The vast park where children can play safely is very beautiful and wonderful.
    Are you taking the picture which Jace play in the park?
    As long as seeing in this picture, this park looks like a private park of Jace. (LOL)

    By the way, I am very envious that you are spending with bright sunshine and under azure blue sky because in our area, it was coming back winter with snowy and cold today.

    1. I know Toyama has winter back snowy and cold ....so sorry!
      Please take care of cold.

  2. It's very important for children to play the safety place.
    Your grandson is happy.
    He looks like a big boy, doesn’t he?
    How long can he speak English?
    What kind of English words does he like?

    1. He doesn't like to be call " baby", he says he's a big boy LOL

  3. It's enviable that there is a square where children and adults can play together.
    Kaiomaru park also has a child's playgroud, but it's not wide.

    Children are lumps of energy, aren't it?
    It's hard work to play together.
    Please be careful of muscle pain.

    1. Thank you. I've held two months baby about 4.5kg each time when my daughter is busy. I'm very get used to hold and sitting a baby.


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