
What's this?

There are a lot of different life style from Japan here in Australia. They're competitively bigger than ours because of larger country and space less population than ours. Much sunlight in all season makes creatures big!
Everything people, houses, furnitures, flowers are so massive.
I think Japanese are so pretty, compact and charming as well as skillful.
There're some interesting things never seen in Japan.

What's this?

6 件のコメント:

  1. In Australia, there are some interesting things never seen in Japan, right?
    It's interesting but I do not know.
    I used to see a plastic bag machine before.
    I don't know NO 1, 2 answers.
    I wonder if it's a machine to buy toy.

  2. Certainly, vast countries are all large in scale, aren't it?
    For example, when visited the United States, I was surprised by the enormous size of the sandwich because it was the size equivalent to three people for the Japanese.
    By the way, your quiz of today is very difficult.
    Especially Q 1 has no idea at all for me.
    Q 2 is seems to be the situation in the cash register location of the shopping center, but I don't know well it.
    I also have seen people buying a large amount of goods at the American shopping center. At there, they had been carried out to process quickly by passing the goods on a roller conveyor at the cash register.
    Maybe, I guess answer of Q 2 is the thing to quickly process a large amount of goods in Australia.

    1. It's not seen in Japan so difficult to answer. So I'll answer it just now on the Wordpress.

  3. I came home now.
    I don't think about it because I'm dull.
    No.1.. I wonder if is like a "gatyagatya" in Japan?
    But, I saw John's answer. So it seems my answer is wrong.
    I am waiting for your answer.

    1. Sorry, I've already answered on the Wordpress side. Please check it!


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