
Cleaning and saving space

I did start to throw and clean my clothes which were flourishing in my closet. I liked my clothes but they were packed hanging and no space to walk in the closet. So it was hard for me to look for the favorite one each day.
And it almost make me impossible to use drawers efficiently.
Of course I did often throw away unused clothes once or twice a year when season changes.
Thanks to 'Konmari', I could clean up and reformed my closet in the end.
Half of my clothes were thrown and then most of them are set into drawers in order, called 'attractive set-up in order' by Konmari.
Before I hang most of my clothes but after organization there are as much as 100 hungers left unused!
I really feel refreshed and like to see my closet.
Next set-up in order would be books.
I would clean my bookshelf...

This is a pile of clothes from all my closet. I had to choose each of them, leave it or not.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I respect the woman who is good at setting in order. I should read the book written by Konmari, too.

  2. I can't thank her too much ....my room is getting cleaner and more spacious.
    I'm still doing under her lesson.


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