
What makes you healthy and young...

Cold weather comes around again after again and it brought snow fall!
I can't stand cold weather so long !!!!
I complain about such coldness and really want to move to the land somewhere warm.

But it's not so bad for your life to live healthy and young, according to Dr.Bagumo alias Naguchan.
He is telling about the new theory that hunger and coldness turn our gene on and it works to keep our healthy and young body. That's why he recommends 'meal once a day'. Otherwise taking too much food will spoil the body with diabetes.
Human body has been planned for the risks such as hunger and coldness.
He said.
It makes me think that the tulips in the planter are growing without care even having snow this morning.
So it makes sense that we also need coldness to turn inner fat burning up to protect from the coldness. It's natural power existing in our body.
I will be careful when I eat and I won't complain about the weather because my tulips are patient and stable even in the coldness.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I've heard that Japanese had eaten only twice a day in Heian period. I also think that we eat too much. But it's the truth for me that eating makes me relived and happy. Do I want too much?

  2. We are so happy to avoid hunger and cold but our native power has been dead. It's a problem.


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