
The evil and good

"The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones"

The evil

4 件のコメント:

  1. The word 'evil' just reminded me of the Axis of Evil, the term initially used by President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address some years ago. One of the countries he referred to was, of course, North Korea, which was then ruled by the father of the current leader. When his young son succeeded his father, we naively expected that he might represent a different kind of leadership, partly because he was educated in the West. We were totally wrong. Obviously he decided to continue most of his father's policies, perpetrating evil deeds.
    As you said, human beings can be both good and evil. But when political leaders commit crimes or do evil deeds, thousands or even millions of people might be affected. I just hope they have a strong sense of responsibility toward their people.

    1. Thank you for your clear opinion.
      I like your comment very much!
      As long as we are in the same boat, world wide association to help each other must be done!

  2. I think the saying of Shakespeare's at the begining pointed out "evil is difficult to perish,but good is easy to perish".
    From this viewpoint,I am concerned about the many evil incident like the North Korean nuclear test that have occurred recently in the world.
    However, I believe "evil" is ultimately perish like Hitler's Nazis was destroyed.
    We would like to aim to live in the "good" by mobilizing the "good" of the world.
    For that, I would like to perform "good" in the my own life.

    1. It's awful that the killer in Guam before yesterday.
      The murderer supposed to have the evil in his mind.
      May the souls killed by him sleep well and be sound...


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