
The topic

The tree

4 件のコメント:

  1. I pay tribute to the your spirit of inquiry that you have an interest in casually、 and also the your efforts to reveal the name of tree.
    The name of the tree became so clear, I was able to learn many things regarding this tree in the net of the personal computer.
    In addition, I was able to find out the real thing in my morning’s walking since I knew the identity of the tree and flower by your clarification.
    I am grateful to be able to learn the knowledge of English as well as many thing in your blog.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I'm very impressed with your sincere reply.
      I came to thank for the nature and really appreciate to know the wonderful power in all the season. We will have to learn more from the nature.

  2. In today`s lecture, I learned two trees and hansame vine except English.
    I was knowen I don`t pay notice for trees when I was walking in the park.
    I have seen the American tulip tree`s flower before.
    I want to see that flowers in this year.
    Thank you to tell us for tree.

    1. You are welcome.
      I also learned what is very familiar to us but not be known well around us.


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