
Cicada molting

I happened to see it when it stopped raining and opened the window that a cicada had just shed its old close and appeared in white. It was in the evening around 5:00 pm yesterday. Though it was not raining but windy so the new born cicada was swinging at the limb of the branch. I was very worried about it and it would be alive until next morning. But I could do just watching it until midnight.

Cicada molting

4 件のコメント:

  1. It's a great photo opportunity.
    Your sense is good.
    I looked cicada molting for the first time.
    When I was young, I used to catch a cicada.
    I remembered cicada's chirp.
    For example, minmin, kumakuma, kanakana, tukutukuhoushi, ji- and so on.

    1. I'm sorry for the cicada which molted yesterday during raining and windy hard and cold. I hope it will get warm and sunlight and get out soon...it's still staying and prepare for the departure on the tree.

  2. How wonderful moment you encountered!
    You were very lucky, weren't you?
    It is very surprising that you took clear photographs of white cicada immediately after the cicada molting, and cicada which turned into brown today's morning.
    I will praise again your natural observation powers and photo shooting skills.

    1. It's not my sense nor skill but the good opportunity of timing and the location.
      It's still staying longer here but it's getting warm and it will fly before long.


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