
To fulfill mind

It's very important to think yourself deeply to make your mind clear. It's said the enemy of you is not outside but inside of yourself. So you need to control yourself and feel satisfied to do anything you want.
To fulfill mind

4 件のコメント:

  1. Brain and heart, body, to breathe and conscious.
    This inner net is very important for our life.
    I'd like to try to become my health.

    1. It's good way to try " mindfulness ".

  2. "Mindfulness" is translated to "cyuibukasa" in Japanese, but I heard for the first time in this blog the words of "mindfulness" in English.
    But when read the article of the blog, I could be a little understanding meaning of "mindfulness".
    If saying to Japanese way, I think that "mindfulness" is the same kind of meaning such as "mental concentration by Zen meditation" or "where there's a will, there's a way".

    By the way, there was held summer vacation radio gymnastics meeting of neighborhood children club from this morning and I also participated together with my three grandchildren.
    Gymnastics of morning is very good, so I can be refreshed in mind and body.

    1. I think of "mindfulness" is a kind of self meditation and feel satisfaction to be myself. We sometimes need time to isolate and think about ourselves alone.


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