
Cirrocumulus clouds

What a wonderful sky in the morning, no wind, not warm nor cold. Just calm and silent with cirrocumulus clouds in the sky.

4 件のコメント:

  1. It's actually fine today.
    I can see Tateyama peaks far and clearly from my living room.I hear a sound of an acombine engine.Farmers harvest rices.
    I'd like to do a lot of housework today,though I don' like houseworks.

    1. Great autumn fine day!
      We can enjoy a lot of sunshine and good air today.

  2. Today is a climate that seems to really autumn, isn't it?
    Although when I saw the sky, it was a blue sky at one face, the photo attached to the blog is stunning cirrocumulus at one face.
    It is a cloud which seems autumn very much.
    I am looking forward to see the various clouds floating in the autumn sky from now.

    1. It's really fantastic to see and imagine from the shape of clouds in autumn.


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