

We have been forced to cancel or postponed a lot of schedules this weekend by the couple typhoon 27 and 28.
It's the season for lots of events in autumn. Good season for sports, hiking and BBQ etc.
To avoid the worst result nothing is too much to care and protect safety from the disaster.
I'm lucky and happy to have been apart from the typhoon attacks.
But we should not forget that disasters would come around whenever you are in safe.
We will be able to share sunny days for a while after the typhoon according to the weather forecast .

2 件のコメント:

  1. Many typhoon such as No. 24・ No. 26・ No. 27・No. 28 came and attacked to Japan Islands in October.
    I was forced to cancel a meeting with fellow of college for typhoon No. 26.
    But, my daughter who went out to "Izumo" when the typhoon No. 27 came did not receive much impact, it was lucky.
    Though chilly climate is followed by a few days, I am also looking forward to autumn fine weather in next week .

    1. Let's enjoy the little fine days in these days.


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