
Toads tell secret

It's so fantastic and amazing video which National Geographic presents.
One of them is "Toads survive in the deep valley" in Guyana, which explores the native ancient frog climbing the branches on the trees.
We never know the secret of the lives in nature. But I'm conscious about most of the life on the earth are full of mystery.
Ancient frog climbers

2 件のコメント:

  1. Various amazing video is up in the site of the National Geographic, isn't it?
    There are English narration in "Toads tell secret?", But I was not able to understand it.
    However, I translated it over time because descriptions of English was attached to the video.

    1. Even though we can't hear the details of all English words we can get almost the content of the video.
      We don't need any words for the great works of the nature.


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