
Content and Context

Our feeling catch not only content of the productions but also the context. People decide to choose one of the products from the whole information....said Hirotada Ototake.
He talked about Samuragochi who is said to have being a fraud though he had pretended a great composer and totally deaf.
There are two types of people who claimed about "Hiroshima" being masterpiece or not. But those who bought CDs not because of the tune but the story from the background.....as it were 'context' not 'content'.
Whether Hiroshima was great piece or not, people should evaluate its value of the tune.
We sometimes misunderstand from the wrong information or too much reputation.

4 件のコメント:

  1. Though I don't have the interest to much about this incident, have the interest about opinion of Mr.Ototake about "content and context" and there was very persuasive.

    By the way, I led me to think a substitute of singer in NHK morning dorama "Amachan" to hear this incident.

    1. Oh, I understand what you mean. That was a ghost singer like this title of ghost composer!

  2. It`s difficult for amateurs that the products is good or not.
    So they look at not only the content but also the context.
    If the story of the background is more interesting,they will be more intereted in the products and want to buy them.
    I think about the contents steadily and I'd like to evaluate them.

    1. We need to have our own steady opinion.


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