
Blossoms in the field

The other day, I had passed through the road in the field in my car and had seen a lovely grove of trees with pink blossoms.
It had caught my attention so strong but I had been hard to stop there at that time because of the traffic problem.
I was so eager to see it badly and went there early in the morning yesterday and tried to take pictures of them.
I could take pictures of the fantastic view of the blossoms.
What do you think of this?

8 件のコメント:

  1. What flower is this flower of pink?
    I guess that it is flower of peach or apricot.
    In any case, it is very beautiful, isn't it?

    By the way, I am going to join a double cherry blossom watching walking in Kurikara at the regular meeting of walking club this weekend. I can also enjoy beautiful flowers of pink if consistent with the flowering time.

  2. I'm sorry it's not peach nor apricot. I will tell it on the Japanese version later!

  3. It's pretty pink,is'nt it?
    Cherry blossoms were over, and there are many flowers blooming now.
    The tree blossom are out and beautiful especially.They are very colorful, red,yellow,pink and white etc.
    The pink dogwood are in flower in the garden across the street.
    I enjoy tree blossoms which I look over the wall when I walk.

    1. Yes...even after cherry blossoms over blossoms in other kinds are blooming out here and there.

  4. It is a surprise that there are pink flowers of pear because I was convinced that flowers of pear are white.
    Especially, because I saw white flowers of pear in Kureha hills at regular meeting of walking club the week before last.

    1. Yes, I thought just like you did but I was also surprised to see it the pink flower next field to the regular pear field...that's why I could notice it pear.

  5. What a lovery pink blossoms ! I didn't understand them in what blossoms.
    I haven't seen the pink blossoms of pear, until now.
    Among one week, the cherry tree and the roadside tree changed the figure completely.
    Probably, with today's rain, green looks to advantage much more.

    1. Actually the blossoms of pears are growing to the fruits in autumn....it's so moved.


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