

This man is supposed to be popular on TV because of real high educated profile instead of fake resumed Sean K.
Real high educated man

I wonder why he had sealed false label on his profile.
I guess he must be full of talent and acted his life the role of "Sean K". His work seemed too sophisticated and intelligent for every one to find his lie profile out except "Bunshun".
They say a small lie makes a big lie. I'm sorry if he would not have a small lie he would keep a cool MC and play a talent.
The right learning overseas

6 件のコメント:

  1. Sorry! I can't do comment your blog because I haven't it's knowledge.
    By the way, my granddaughter comes my house today.
    She will be 3 years old the day after tomorrow. Today hold her birthday party at my house. Because she has to go to Osaka with her mother on that day.

    1. Thank you for the truth of you.
      It's all of okay because every one has each different taste.
      I hope you spend happy Sunday with your daughter's family.

  2. I knew him only in a ”Hodou station".
    The teacher who is supporting children who can't go to school said.
    Graduated from high school only, it's admirable that he had to study so much a lot of knowledge.
    Therefore I'm very disappointed.

    By the way,
    A large number of people was cleaning the ditch when I paassed through "Hacho" area today.
    Maybe soon of begins the tilling a rice field.
    I wish that I want everyone to eat a lot of Japanese delicious rice.

    1. Things are changing every day and every moment. We are almost confused with a lot of information and true or faulse, sad or misfortune news. But we live ourselves own steady steps day by day.

  3. I had never seen or heard the performers program of "Sean K" so far. Therefor I knew him for the first time by attached video to this blog. I thought he in this video was a very talented emcee.
    I did not know academic fraud of "Sean K" until the news.
    I think that although it itself is not in any way unacceptable, we should recognize current ability of him.

    1. We can't judge him on his label but his failure led a lot of troubles.
      I'm sure we all learn from the failure.


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