
Bathing in the hot water

It's very cold these days. So we need to take a hot bath once a day for the health. When we feel cold it brings us bad condition. So keep warm yourself to prevent having cold.
This is a funny photo of elephants bathing in a hot water.

Bathing in the hot water

6 件のコメント:

  1. I often see photos of the hot water bathing scene of monkey and capybara, but it is the first time to see the hot water bathing scene of the elephant.
    The elephant at hot water bathing seems to be very comfortable.
    Even so, that's very hard work to fill 100 tons of hot water at 43 ° C in the pool, isn't it?
    By the way, in our home, though bathing only shower in summer, we take a bath every day and keep to live a healthy and comfortable life.

    1. It's very important to sink body in the hot water in such cold days. Taking bath and keep in warm are pleasure in a day.

  2. The elephant’s family is very happy.
    Is monkey world an aging society, too?
    It's interesting.
    I will take a bath three times a week in the gym.
    The bath is good but it's a bother to take the bath.
    So I don't like to take the bath.

    1. Taking a bath is one of pleasure for me especially in winter. It makes my body refreshed and keep healthy.

  3. It's a pleasant and unique photo.
    I'm weak against both the heat and the cold.
    I would like to live in a house with heating in the whole building.
    And, I want to be in a hot spring.

    1. It's so amusing that elephants enjoy in the hot water when it's in the coldest days. It's wonderful to make them playful.


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