
To master life

It's very popular to get ready for ending life called "Shukatsu" like the words "Konkatsu" or "Ninkatsu".
This is another Kanji meaning for cultivate or master not end or finish. It's included hope in the future.

To master life

6 件のコメント:

  1. I am also approaching the age of "Shukatsu" now.
    The commonly mentioned "Shukatsu" is very negative, isn't it?
    However the article attached to the blog is a very positive idea, and I think that it will lead to "Freddie the leaf" which we are learning in the classroom from last year.
    I also would like to deal with my "Shukatsu" positively.

    1. It's up to ourselves in my mind or brain which controls our destiny.
      To think positively might be talent itself....let's learn how to get old well!

  2. How do I want to die?
    My wish is written in the notebook.
    "Shukatsu" is to think about the future life.
    Last week the radio said , a 75 - year - old man(woman) who was studying 'basic English' of radio he(she) started interpreting for foreign tourists.
    I remembered it by the "Master Life".

    This is one of my goals toward to "Master Life".

    1. We're always learners as long as we live. Coz we're mere small things compared to the life in the universe. 100 years are not the length of the long history. So just live in a minute.

  3. To master life is very difficult for me.
    I'm reading Sono ayako's book, again now.
    The title is "What is Seijuku for human?"
    She has lived for about 80 years, so her sentence is great.
    Words express an idea of the world, so word is important, too.
    When I was young, I was thinking how to die my life.
    My death = my life="Syukatu".
    English is very difficult, so I can't express my opinion by English.

    1. You can say anything as much as in your mind either in English and Japanese....,or non verbal. We have great sense of spirits.


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