
Brilliant blue

It's really good to see blue sky and mountains covered with snow.
It's really like a natural picture in my eyes. Yesterday was gorgeous to be outside, can't help going outside and good to drive or walk in the sunshine.

Brilliant blue

6 件のコメント:

  1. Yesterday, the view of Mt.Turugi, Mt.Tate mountain range and Mt.Yakushi against blue sky was really a masterpiece.
    This is the scenery that Toyama Prefecture is proud in Japan or world, isn't it?
    I also went out to the Kureha Mountain Observation Deck and took photos this wonderful scenery.
    This place is a great observation deck to see this scenery so there were a lot of people and it was very crowded.
    I will send those photos to you by e-mail.

    1. You seem to have had a wonderful time of the great views of Mt.Tate ranges. I'm hopefully looking forward to seeing the photos, thanks.

  2. I could look at a great Mt. Tate yesterday.
    Your picture is very wonderful.
    You have good talent of sense.
    The wonderful picture gives us gentle heart, right?
    I'm glad to can live in Toyama without snow now.
    The snow is beautiful, but it gives people harm of the snow.
    Let’s be careful!

    1. Yeah.., it's really wonderful that we can look at splendid mountain view of Mt.Tate when it appears in front of us.

  3. Toyama New Port is the home port of the Japan Coast Guard's "Yahiko".
    "Yahiko" is anchored across the "Kaiomaru".
    I was invited by the good weather yesterday and visited "Kaiomaru Park."
    The crew of "Yahiko" was training.
    When I saw that training, I remembered the "Umizaru" of the movie.
    Mt.Tate seen from "Kaiomaru Park" was very beautiful.
    Toyama is wonderful.

    1. You were invited by the Kaiomaru park and watched the training of the crew. It seems very energetic and powerful under the blue sky. You're so lucky!


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