
The sun, walking and coffee break

It was great fine day though the air was cold.
I enjoyed walking with my dog in the park and encountered some dogs walking like us.
Bad weather prevents me from taking my dog for a walk because my dog is short legs and her bottom gets wet badly...it's so annoying to wash her body and legs from the dirtiness.
I immediately go out with my dog when it's good day to walk as possible.
After walking I stopped into the convenient store which has eat-in.
I like to take a coffee break in there.

6 件のコメント:

  1. It was a cold day,but it was a calm day today.
    As yet it didn't snow much in this winter.
    It snowed much in the Tokoku and Hokkaido district instead of the Hokuriki district.
    There is no snow on the ground so that I'd like to take a walk thought it's cold.
    I'm afraid of snowing much hereafter.

    1. Yes,it was little snow with full sunshine and blue sky but too cold like in the Pcific Ocean area.

  2. Today was great fine weather subsequent to yesterday though the air was cold, isn't it?
    Photo of blog is "Kansui park", isn't it?
    I also visited there a few days ago, and confirmed the flower of samara of "tulip tree".
    It is a poetic charm of winter.

    1. I don't like cold but I can aware of the great beauty in winter.

  3. I think so , too. It was great fine day today. But the air was cold. I took a talk around kansui park.

    1. I feel exotic seeing the view of the Kansui park.


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