
Bad influence

It's been very bad phenomenon that dengue fever is getting increased and spread in Japan.
As long as the news resource, there were found a few people infected dengue fever in the Yoyogi park but now other parks, Meiji Jingu, Shinjuku park and also Yamashita park.
There were found infected mosquitos still alive in the Yoyogi park and it's banned to enter those parks.
I wonder how the infected mosquitos came from the place of origin. It's clear that people infected dengue fever brought them into....but not knowing yet.
We need to learn more about the situation and take a good care if we walk into the park or crowded warm place where the mosquitos are active.
Dengue fever
Dengue fever1
Dengue fever2
Dengue fever3
Dengue fever4

10 件のコメント:

  1. I have been thinking that dengue fever is infectious diseases in the region that has been limited.
    Thoug, I was surprised that it's prevalent in Japan.
    People and organisms became to be able to move around the world in short time.
    I don't know what will happen now.
    I'm worried about it that we can't think easily that Japan is naturally and human nature is good country.

    1. I'm not sure about these seems like pandemic situation but think of it seriously, dengue fever might have existed for years.

  2. The dengue fever is spreaded in Japan.
    The death rate is low and the patients recover from it about one week.
    I relieve to hear that.
    The infected mosquite discovered in Yoyogi park first.
    But I think the infected mosquite already lived in the other parks and the people got sick.We don't know it.
    We may get diseases that don't exist in Japan by internationalization.
    Be care not to be bite by mosquites.
    Now Ebola hemorrhagic fever spreads in Affica.
    I hope it won't spread more.

    1. I hope it won't be pandemic but let it be care swiftly and calm down.

  3. There is not effective vaccine and seems to result in death in some cases. It's so terrible.
    We should not approach in those parks.
    This problem is could occur at anywhere, so I am uneasy.
    I think that the mosquitos bringing damage as soon as possible should disappear.

    From Sandra

    1. I don't know what is happening in Japan as well as around the world. It might be caused by global warming?

  4. I have been stung countless by a mosquito when weeding the garden this summer, but there is no abnormality in my body.
    Dengue fever are signs of the epidemic in the summer of this year after a long time, why?
    However, dengue fever would be to natural extinction when summer has passed because the mosquito is medium it.
    In addition, Meiji Gingu is Meiji Jingu and Yamadhita park is Yamashita park, isn't it?

    By the way, I climbed the Tateyama at the meetings of the walking club today. Fortunately blessed good weather, we enjoyed the scenery of the surrounding mountains such as Hodaka mountain range and Yarigatake etc.
    In addition, article of our walking club was published to big in northern Japan newspaper today. Please look by all means everyone.

    1. Thank you for your notice and I correct them at once.
      I don't have subscript that paper but I can check it on the web.

  5. Is it the result that became the abnomal weather because of the global warming?
    It happens not to be though
    I don't mind that iam bitten by a mosquito,but let's be careful each other!

    1. Indeed, we need to be cautious about mosquito which brings awful diseases.


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