
Useful phrases

When you move to the place you can use some useful phrases overseas.

1. Where can I ( catch ) a taxi?
When you want a taxi.

2. Can you ( take ) me to the city hall?
When you ask a taxi driver where you want to go.

3. How much do I ( owe )you?
How much you have to pay.

4. Is this seat ( taken )?
If you can sit or not.

5. At which station should I ( get ) ( off )?
When you ask which station is better to go.

4 件のコメント:

  1. My answer is as follows.
    1. Where can I take a taxi?

    2. Can you help me to the city hall?

    3. How much do I give you?

    4. Is this seat free?

    5. At which station should I get off?

    By the way, thank you for various advice to speech practice from everyone today.
    In addition, didn't my comment reach to your blog yesterday?

    1. I've checked yesterday's comment right now, sorry for that.
      I really admire your challenge spirits!

  2. 1) Where can (get) a taxi?

    2) Can you (take)me to the city hall?

    3)How much do I(pay)you?

    4) Is this seat (taken)?

    5) At which station shoud(I ) ( go)

    1. Good job but 1,3 and 5 are not correct.


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