I just hunted to watch their blooming earlier when it was fine but cold a week ago. But I'm too badly infected by allergy this year to walk around.
So I'm giving up to walk under the blossoms any more this year.
I happened to find a different kind of Sakura from Someiyoshino in my neighborhood.
It's much deep pink color and long branches. Is it Kawazu or Shidare?
I'm not sure but it's very pretty just standing alone in someone's garden.

It's beautiful cherry blossoms.
返信削除When I walked,I found the cherry bloomed all over the place.
My neighbor grows up a drooping cherry in a garden,and it's in full bloom now.
She planted it when her granddaughter entered the junior high school.
She says it's a memorial tree and a family tree.
I think she remembers the pleasant memory of the family when it blooms in every spring.
So you think it as the same as you saw in your neighbor, " Shidare" one?
削除My house's cherry blossoms are blooming flowers after the leavs. And, it was in full bloom yesterday.
返信削除Cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully here and there.
Tomorrow, we have the plans to Hanami in old people club. I hope that keep a beautiful flowers.
Wherever I go, If I look at the cherry blossoms that blooming colorful, I think japan is very nice country!
Though I've expected tomorrow would be final weekend to watch Sakura ...the weather says it will be rainy tomorrow!
削除I'm very shut up.
The cherry blossoms of deep pink color is very stunning, isn't it?
返信削除I think this cherry is maybe Shidare.
Although this year's cherry was moderately beautiful, I think the weather of timing in full bloom was not good too.
However, it was good because I was able to enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom of Matsukawa in a sunny day.
By the way, yesterday I bought textbook of the lecture from next week.
I am looking forward to a lecture from next week.
It's kind of being in the fridge, isn't it?
削除That's why cherry blossoms keeps longer ....but I'm very sorry to miss walking under the tree because of bad weather.