
Happy 5months

Today is the fifth months birthday of Jace.
He has amazingly grown up so fast!
Seen a baby but a small kid though still a crying and diaper baby.
I'm glad seeing his growth every single day but feeling missed his baby face. It's kind of complicated.
I just wish him being healthy and happy.

4 件のコメント:

  1. It is very cute Jace of five months、isnt it?
    I am in lakeside inn of Lake Biwa now.
    Fortunately, I was able to post a comment from inn.
    I am planning to enjoy the riverside district tour aboard to houseboat today with friends.

    1. Thank you so much to post your comment early and far away on your trip.
      I'm sure you can enjoy with your friends.

  2. Jace is always really cute!
    And also nice is cute costume of mom's handmade. Your daughter is very dexterity hands!
    I hope thet our grandchidren can be healthy grwon in the peaceful world!
    By the way, I will meet classmates soon. I'm looking forward to it.

    1. I'm sorry to say that I don't think that costume of my daughter's handmade.
      She just enjoy making her son model...it's very different when I used to be!


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