
Different is good

Angelina Jolly made a speech at the kid's choice award "Maleficent" of her role of the movie.
She's known as a brave and gorgeous humanitarian as well as a famous actress and celebrity.
She adopts orphans and raises them as her children.
Of course you know she is happy marriage with Brad Pitt.
In her speech she told that different is good. She grew up having felt out place and dropped out. But she thought and found herself in good balance being different.
There are many people who have different environment and different situation in the world.
We have no need to be the same with others. She really encourages children who are not satisfied with food, welfare or education in the world.
Different is good

8 件のコメント:

  1. Angelina Jolly is my favorite actress.
    Her speech was great at the ceremony of Maleficent Award, wasn't it?
    Now, I think that she's in an environment that can run their own thoughts. So, I want that she realize her thoughts.
    By the way,
    temperature difference between today and yesterday is too large.
    Radio gymnastics also I did in front of the stove.

    1. It's so big difference between today and yesterday. It's cold back like in March today though in April now.
      I'm sorry the weather forecast during this week is not good for Hanami because it'll be rainy.

  2. I also think it is natural that each personality and thinking and appearance are different.
    I am admire that Angelina Jolly worked as a film director or the United Nations special envoy not only actress. In addition, I was surprised that she is mother of total six with biological child and adopted child.

    By the way, 3-th granddaughter began to go to nursery from today because her mother will be supposed to go to the company
    Her's drop off and pick up is the role of wife and me.

    1. Your granddaughter might be hard to be separated from family for a while for the beginning, right?

  3. That's right, I think she is hard to get used to the new environment while for the beginning. But, she'll get used immediately.

    1. I hope so. Children easily get used to new things.

  4. Angelina Jolly is tough as human and woman.
    I think she understands herself and it makes her strong.

    1. She is someone who knows something special especially difference makes her string!


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