
Unscramble word

There are unscramble words and make them perfect words.
And then make a sentence using the words and answer it.

1. ti
2. si
3. aoytd
4. tawh

4 件のコメント:

  1. I think, " It, Is, today, what " So I made " It is what a good day today!"
    Will that be Ok?
    By the way,
    Gazania of my home was penetrated into the next house.
    From today's morning, I had clean of it. And then I have become backache.

    1. Okay, then What is it today?
      Did you give and get something gift?

  2. Today's question is very easy, isn't it?
    1. is "it". 2. is "is" 3. is "today". 4. is "what".
    So, the sentence used those words is "What today is it?".
    And its answer is "Mother's Day".

    By the way, since my mother has passed away six years ago, I will not be able to present the gift of Mother's Day. But, my wife got a gift from our daughter and son's couple.
    Today, there was baseball games of grandchildren. So, our all family was busy to cheer them.

    1. Do you know what today it is?
      It means Mother's Day !
      You're right!
      May the second Sunday is Mother's Day in the world.


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